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Somali Government Coastal Protection New Ships Online

MOGADISHU (HAN) July 15.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Somali government has created pirate ships in order to continue with the current number making the first of at least six ships. Somalia’s Ambassador to the European Union Dr Ali Sa ‘id Faqi the visiting area to prepare the ships, has said that a date for the country to make the ships, land and protect everything threatens Somalia from the sea. Ali Faqi has said that if successful he will continue to  run the process to address the downstream coastal pirates as terror weapons are illegally coming into the country and is also illegal fishing in Somali waters.

With its Headquarters in The Netherlands, The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group has set out the main objectives for the new structured Somali Coast Guard:
• Monitoring and Surveillance of the Exclusive Economic Zone
• Patrolling, controlling and securing the Exclusive Economic Zone.
• Securing trade and Ports
• Protecting natural resources
• Protection of fishing grounds from illegal foreign fishing boats
• Prevention of dumping of toxic materials
• Search, Rescue and Anti-Smuggling services


Ambassador Ali Faqi is also said that the agreement between the government and the Company (Atlantic Marine Offshore) is based in the Netherlands is to be trained military vessels,this will take within 5 to 7 years takeover service vessels. Somalia’s government has agreed with the companys activities. The contract off the coast of Somalia signed by Former minister Defence Abdihakim Mohamoud Haji-Faqi, as wanted by the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud at that time.The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group will operate, on behalf of the authority and administrative command of the Federal Republic of Somalia – Somali Coast Guard Directorate and will adhere to all applicable embargoes and restrictions set by the United Nations.







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