Geeska Afrika Online

Somali Commandos Forced Al-Shabaab leader to Surround


Mogadishu (HAN) August 31.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. The Federal Minister of Internal Security, Abdirisak Omar Mohamed confirmed to Geeska Afrika Online desk that, the headmaster of Educational planning of Al-shabaab lay down his arms and came back to his government and people.

Ibrahim Aden Ibrahim, a senior Al-Shabaab militant on Monday night surrendered to the National Intelligence and Security Agency.

“I made the decision to surrender to the Somali government two years ago and benefit from the President’s offer of Amnesty. I was head of education in Bay and Bakool regions in southern Somalia”, Ibrahim said.

The leader who use to teach, the strategy to permit terror groups to establish a platform to conduct terrorist activities in the region.





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