Geeska Afrika Online

Somali Armed Forces Heavily harming Al Shabaab.

Mogadishu (HAN) July 10.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Villa Somalia. Last night and in the morning Somali Armed Forces in an operation carried out in Lower Shabelle region. Accommodation packages are based accumulate in the group. The Somali forces, using strategies to fight there way in without encountering any resistance.
Here the terrorists used to store weapons and other equipment used to combat terrorist attacks against innocent civilians living in the region. Jabkani was a huge success for the residents and the wound is generally lower.

The terrorist group Al Shabaab has also recently committed to major losses beyond the Lower Shabelle, Lower Juba region and other areas.

Somali forces specially trained under the Armed Forces, the service should be everywhere and Somalia to fight Al Shabaab. The gains show that the country’s ability to dismantle Al Shabaab from Somalia.





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