Geeska Afrika Online

Senior Al-Shabab leaders killed in the lower Shabelle region

MOGADISHU (HAN) September 6.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. BY: Mohammed Omar. Hussein. Senior Al-Shabab leaders killed in the lower Shabelle region MUQDISHO The Somali military commandos gaining military support from their international ally have bombarded a house at Toortoorow location in the lower shabell region of Somalia. The joint troops have received information that there are several senior Al-Shabab leaders in that very house, the officers who were commanding that operation have verified for the Somali National News Agency that they have killed 4 senior Al-Shabab leaders including the head of Al-Shabab I’m the lower Shabelle.

Elsewhere the special force of Danab have as well killed 6 senior Al-Shabab officials in an operation at km60 in the lower Shabelle region. Among the 6 officers who were killed in km 60 was the leader of Al-Shabab at Qoryooley district in the lower region. These 6 officers were ambushed while heading to the middle Shabelle region.





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