Geeska Afrika Online

President Kiir’s forces accused of violating ceasefire

JUBA (HAN) July 20.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. South Sudan’s opposition faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO) said troops loyal to President Salva Kiir have violated the one-week old cessation of hostilities which the two parties declared on Monday last week.

“President Salva Kiir’s forces have violated the cessation of hostilities declared on Monday, July 11, 2016,” James Gatdet Dak toldSudan Tribuneon Tuesday.

“They are on offensive against our forces,” he added.

He said their forces have been attacked around Mundri in Western Equatoria state on Tuesday evening, using both ground force and air attack by helicopter gunships.

Forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) loyal to President Kiir, he said, had been airlifting to Mundri for the last two days and started to attack their forces on Tuesday.

He said the fighting took place on Tuesday morning at a place called Bari about 10 km south of Mundri county. He said their forces fought in self-defense and repulsed the attackers.

He said their aim is to hunt for Machar whom President Kiir’s forces suspected to be in the area. Dak however added that their leader was not in the area.

Dak also said SPLA forces have targeted civilians in Lainya county, bombing them with two helicopter gunships.

The two parties clashed last week in Juba but agreed to cease fire. Machar then left the base near Jebel Kujur in the southwest of the capital and demanded for deployment of a third force as a buffer between the two forces.

He said he would return to Juba after a third force is deployed to guarantee his safety, safety of his officials as well as protection in important infrastructures in the town. (ST)





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