Geeska Afrika Online

Potable Water Project in Eritrea

Asmara (HAN) December 27, 2018. Regional Water and Irrigation Initiatives.  In Eritrean pilot projects for sustainable economy, a potable water project in Adi Musa, Berik sub-zone was inaugurated on 20 December. The project is worth 2 million Nakfa.

At the inauguration ceremony, Director General of Water Resources in the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, Mr. Mebrahtu Iyasu, commended local residents for the participation during the establishment of the project and he called on them to properly use and maintain the facilities in order to ensure its availability for future generations.

Mr. Hailemicael Iyob, Director General of Agriculture and Land at the Central region administration, added that the project was implemented through the cooperation of the regional administration, the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, and local residents.

Underlining that water is life and demands proper management, Mr. Tesfu Fesehatsion, administrator of Berik sub-zone, called residents to properly utilize and manage the water project.

Notably, local residents, and women in particular, expressed their satisfaction with the project, noting that it will help alleviate their challenges and burdens, while also conveying their commitment to ensure that the project is properly maintained.

Picture: Hailes Esmail of the Red Cross Society of Eritrea explains how to ensure drinking water remains clean and safe



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