Geeska Afrika Online

Police to Help Ease Kenya traffic Gridlock

NAIROBI (HAN) November 19, 2015. Public Diplomacy & regional Security. A contingent of traffic police officers has been sent to the Taru stretch of Kenya’s Mombasa-Nairobi highway to help ease a massive traffic jam.

The gridlock, which has persisted for over 48 hours since Tuesday, was caused by unfinished work on a road diversion in Taru and a heavy downpour that has rendered the muddy stretch impassable.

Local County Commissioner Evans Achoki and Coast regional Traffic Commander Martin Kariuki took the move after vehicles were stuck for two days. The two officers went to the Taru diversion on Thursday to assess the crisis.

“We sent many officers last night to deal with the issue. Trucks will be guided, buses and private cars will be diverted onto the standard gauge railway road to ease the problem.

“We hope that by noon today (Thursday), traffic will have begun flowing,” Mr Achoki has said by phone.

Still stuck

Buses that left Nairobi and upcountry points were still stuck in the area, according to a driver with the Mash Bus company, Mr Joseph Were. “It’s terrible. Children are yelling in my bus due to hunger.

Source: theeastafrican




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