Geeska Afrika Online

National Consultation Fora on Somalia’s Electoral Processes Conclude

MOGADISHU (HAN) November 19, 2015. Public Diplomacy & regional Security. The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, has congratulated the Somali people on the regional consultations on options for the 2016 electoral process which have concluded.

He said today (November 18): “Over the past two days, Somalia spoke. Somalis across the country gathered and discussed the four options for the 2016 electoral process that have been proposed. In doing so, they upheld a fundamental principle of Somali society and politics, that of open deliberation among all stakeholders, in the manner of discussions under the Qoraac tree.”

Somalis, he said, had taken a major step forward: while one-person one-vote elections may not be possible in 2016, this consultative process facilitates the participation of a wider segment of Somali society in deciding on what the most appropriate and feasible electoral process for 2016 will be.

Mr. Kay said he noted with great satisfaction the active engagement and participation of Somalis from all walks of life across the country, emphasizing the importance of all being heard: “Youth, women, elders, minorities, religious leaders, and persons with disabilities – they all need to have their say.

This in itself is an important expression of democratic values.” Somalia’s President Mohamud said the fora were attended by up to 150 people from the areas in which they were held. At the launch of the consultation process on Monday (November 16) the president said this is a “very exciting day in the development of Somalia as a democratic nation.

People from all over Somalia will gather to consider and discuss the best way for Somalia to support a peaceful transition of political power in September 2016.” MFA




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