Geeska Afrika Online

Release of Prisoners of War from Prisons Across the Country : Machar

JUBA (HAN) May 6. 2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News.  South Sudan first vice president, Riek Machar, has called on the former warring parties, but now peace partners to release prisoners of war (PoWs) from prisons across the country.

Speaking at an induction workshop organized on Thursday in Juba by the ministry of cabinet affairs and attended by the newly sworn in ministers, Machar said it was time to free them.

“The release is a roadmap to stability and peace to everyone in South Sudan because the war has ended,” Machar made the remark on Thursday in capital Juba while addressing the induction on new cabinet’s conduct of business.

The vice president made his remark on Thursday in capital Juba at the opening of parliament affairs ministry induction workshop for the ministers of the Transitional Government of National Unity.

“Am sure and aware that there are many prisoners, politicians and other people who were detained in connection to the conflict and are still under military detention facilities across the country, they must be set free,” said Machar.

“There are serious issues in the agreement that JMEC may not resolve or the CTSAMM may not resolve it. It will be the cabinet that will resolve it and if we all work together, we will definitely resolve all these issues.”

While the former leadership continue rejecting the cantonments of the SPLA-IO in some regions including former Bahr el Ghazal and Western Equatoria, Machar reiterated that if there are forces in any area in the Country, there should be a consideration funding them during the transitional period before they could be reintegrated into national army.

He also called on the parties to fully implement the peace agreement, saying cooperation among the parties is essential.




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