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Kenyatta says Kenyans are Tired of ICC's Meddling

NAIROBI (HAN) November 16, 2015. Public Diplomacy & regional Security. Kenya’s president Uhuru Kenyatta has told the International Criminal Court (ICC) to stop meddling in the country’s internal affairs.

He said Kenyans had resolved to live together in harmony and that the court should give them room to run their own affairs, rather than disturb the peace in the country.

“That is why we are telling those people who are trying to incite Kenyans on issues that are long forgotten that we are tired of their interference. Instead of disturbing us, they should go to resolve the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, and give us room to move our country forward,” said Mr Kenyatta.

He added: “We are appealing to friendly countries to support us in our agenda of consolidating peace and unity in Kenya.”

The Head of State was addressing residents in Eldoret town Sunday during his development tour.

Judges at the Hague-based court earlier this year withdrew charges against Mr Kenyatta. He was accused of stoking ethnic violence after the 2007 presidential election.

Prosecutors accused the Kenyan government of interference with witnesses as well as political hindrance, a charge Mr Kenyatta’s administration denies.

Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto is still on trial on similar charges.

Source: theeastafrican




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One response to “Kenyatta says Kenyans are Tired of ICC's Meddling”

  1. axmed

    Mister bling bling UHURU KIKUYU genocidal criminal thug , who spends most of his time what color skin jean to put on and what color slim fit shirt to put on. He looks a common philadelphia street corner pimp.

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