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Kenya: Today’s General Elections will Prompt Violent Clashes

Nairobi (HAN) August 8th, 2017 – Public Diplomacy & Regional Elections for investment Alerts.

Regional Financial Security and Trade Cooperation: A horrifying assassination has set the country on edge just days before an already tense general election. It was a political killing in the country’s worst tradition.

Musalia Mudavadi, a joint leader of the opposition, called it ‘a dagger into the heart of Kenyan democracy’ and President Uhuru Kenyatta urged people not to speculate about the killers and their motives. Yet the brutal murder on the night of 29 July of a senior information technology official at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Christopher Chege Msando, has heightened anxiety that todays’s general elections will prompt violent clashes..

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