Geeska Afrika Online

Kenya: Security Beefed up in Lamu After Al-Shabaab Attack on Police Vehicle

NAIROBI (HAN) December 26, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Security has been tightened in the entire Lamu County following the latest attack on a police vehicle by suspected Al-Shabaab militants which left one Administration Police officer dead.

The officer died on Christmas day when the vehicle he was travelling ran over an improvised explosive device (IED) along the Hindi-Bodhei road. The vehicle was heading to Bodhei, which is at the border between Lamu and Garissa when the incident happened at around 8am Friday.

Other officers in the vehicle, said to be more than six, however, escaped unharmed while their vehicle was burnt to ashes by the attackers who then escaped into the expansive Boni Forest. Confirming the incident, Linda Boni operations director Mr James ole Serian said apart from the dead officer, nobody was injured in the incident and that police were pursuing the suspects responsible for the attack.


In another incident, police managed to prevent what could have been a disaster when suspected Al-Shabaab militants ambushed a convoy of five passenger buses heading to Lamu from Mombasa near Mambo Sasa Forest in Witu Division on Friday afternoon.

According to one of the GSU officers aboard a police escort vehicle who spoke to the Nation by phone, a shootout ensued when the suspects attempted to attack the police vehicle escorting the buses. “Our vehicle was attacked but we responded quickly. An exchange of fire ensued which lasted for around five minutes but we were able to manage the situation and even proceed with the journey,” said the officer who requested not to be named.

The incident comes just weeks after two people were killed and an Administration Police officer injured by suspected Al-Shabaab militants at Milihoi in Lamu when over 20 attackers ambushed a lorry that was heading to Hindi from Mpeketoni to deliver building blocks. Inspector-General of Police Joseph Boinnet had earlier given warnings of a possible terrorist attacks during the December festive season. Source: dailynation



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