Geeska Afrika Online

IGAD, LPI Furthering Partnership

NAIROBI (HAN) September 6.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. By Alazar Shiferaw. The MoU will promote collaboration between the two institutions with a view to promoting peace and security in the region

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Life and Peace Institute (LPI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Addis recently.

The agreement was signed by IGAD Executive Secretary Ambassador Eng. Mahboub Maalim and Institute Executive Director Dr. Judith McCallum , IGAD press release sent to the Ethiopian Herald said.

The MoU will promote collaboration between the two institutions with a view to promoting peace and security in the Horn of Africa. According to Dr. McCallum, the MoU is a stamp of approval for the work that LPI does in the Horn of Africa, and it is an important milestone for LPI to formalize its relationship with IGAD.

Beyond their cooperation, the collaboration seeks to engage a broader range of relevant stakeholders to further bolster the exchange and joint activities between IGAD, civil society and academia in the region.

 The signing of the MoU follows longstanding engagement between IGAD and LPI, dating back to 1999 when the latter provided successive capacity building training in peace building for IGAD Secretariat officials, it said.

Since 2014, LPI’s Horn of Africa Regional Programme has collaborated with IGAD Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism a pilot project seeking to develop new regional policy options that would enhance small-scale, cross-border trade in the Horn of Africa in a manner that also improves the human security of the region’s borderlands.

The pilot project, which touches the livelihood scheme of over 43 per cent of Africans, has engaged 14 CSOs, 43 academics and customs, trade and border security officials from all IGAD member states to date and the results will be publicized more broadly late this year.

Signing the agreement, IGAD Executive Secretary said : ” LPI’s contribution increasing informal cross-border trade in a way that enhances human security in the region has injected resources to this area of engagement, brought on board civil society and academia and has created space for IGAD to use its member state leverage to generate political priority for this important issue”.



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