Geeska Afrika Online

IGAD Executive Secretary attends meeting of World Humanitarian Summit in Geneva

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) October 19, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Investment Initiative News.  The IGAD Executive Secretary, Ambassador Mahboub Maalim together with his Senior Humanitarian Advisor attended the Global Consultation of the World Humanitarian Summit in Geneva from 13-16 October. The Executive Secretary also had meetings on the sidelines with the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, H.E. Stephen O’Brien and discussed the IGAD-OCHA partnership and ways of furthering this partnership. He extended invitation to Mr. O’Brien to visit IGAD Secretariat in Geneva.

Ambassador Mahboub also met with senior officials from the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), the Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Swedish International Development Agency and the Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). He also had discussions with Dr Jemilah Mahmood, the Chief of the World Humanitarian Summit and congratulated her for running an inclusive consultation process and promised to give her all the necessary support that she may require. IGAD



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