Geeska Afrika Online

H.E Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros meets Vice Minister of Commerce of China, Mr. Qian Keming

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) November 12, 2015. Public Diplomacy & regional Security. Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros met China’s Vice Minister of Commerce, Mr. Qian Keming, on Wednesday (November 11).

Their discussions covered various issues including the further strengthening of aspects of bilateral relations and economic co-operation as well as partnership for the industrialization, infrastructure and investment sectors. Mr. Keming expressed his thanks for the warm hospitality he had received.

He noted that Ethiopia was booming economically and the developments taking place were most impressive, thanks to the strong leadership of the Government. This, he said, boosted the confidence of Chinese Investors.

He said that the close ties between the two governments, would lead to a closer relationships, adding that the partnership between the two countries should provide a convenient environment for investment, trade and business.

Mr. Keming said that after hearing reports from the Chinese Embassy in Addis Ababa, China was ready to provide assistance to help respond to the drought. Dr. Tedros welcomed the list of possible areas of cooperation mentioned by Mr. Keming since, he said, these were all investment priorities for Ethiopia.

Ethiopia, he said, was not only working on creating industrial parks, it was also creating a convenient investment environment. Dr. Tedros stressed the importance of strengthening further cooperation in the areas on which the leaders of the two countries had reached consensus.

Among these were making Ethiopia a center of excellence for industrialization, infrastructure and food security. MFA




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