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Global Report: New Vision for South Sudan 2019 P1

Juba (HAN) March 27, 2019. Public Diplomacy and Regional Security for Stability. IGAD2020 Regional Security Watch.

Press Statement for Immediate Release  (Par 1)

  1. Call for Alternative People’s NADAFA Government in South Sudan based on Three Autonomous Regions
  2. The People’s Democratic Movement (PDM),         
  3. The Workers Party of Upper Nile (WPU),
  4. The Federal Democratic Party (FDP)/Army,
  5. Concerned Citizens in South Sudan and in Diaspora,

We Together take the opportunity to inform the general public and our constituencies in South Sudan; based in Equatoria, Upper Nile and Bahr al Ghazal, that we are announcing to you and the world community, AU, IGAD, UN and TROIKA countries; the establishment of the National Alliance for Democracy And Freedom Action (NADAFA) as a popular, grassroots peoples alliance for democracy and freedom action in South Sudan.
NADAFA calls for Three Autonomous governments representing peoples of three regions of Bhar El Ghazal, Upper Nile and Equatoria.
The alliance members; People’s Democratic Movement, the Workers Party of Upper Nile, and Federal Democratic Party/Army and others who will join them, are committed to and firmly believe in creating the foundation for genuine lasting peace, democracy and sustainable development through alternative Peoples NADAFA Government in Upper Nile, Equatoria, Bahr al Ghazal, and South Sudan that will be based on federation of three autonomous regions during a transitional period of a NADAFA’s TFGoNU1 as the way forward.

For that reason, the Alliance agreed to advocate for and shall promote:

  1. The Call for three Autonomous Regions during the transitional government period, giving the people a chance to rebuild themselves in their own regions of Bahr El Ghazal, Equatoria and Upper Nile. The
    NADAFA Government will ensure that the rehabilitation of refugees and IDPs is carried out by putting the people first, and power-sharing equitably between the peoples, respect for the people and human
    rights shall come first in our country.
  2. The call for a Governance status of Upper Nile, Equatoria and Bahr al Ghazal as three autonomous regions with their borders and districts as they stood on 1st January 1956, in a new federal governance
    system during NADAFA Transitional Government period.
  3. New Peoples Social Contract and Constitution making for a people’s choice of governance system fo their country between Federation or Confederation of states, including determination of number of
    states during the transitional period
  4. Freedom action by the people using all legitimate means of struggle, including popular uprising for
    freedom in the event negotiation and peaceful means fail to amicably resolve the governance crisis
    under SPLM tribal rule in South Sudan
  5. Positioning the alliance as the Peoples alternative NADAFA Government for our country to bring and realize enjoyment of Human and Peoples Rights, Economic, Social, Cultural and Political Rights by all our peoples in the three regions and 64 ethnic communities, and put an end to impunity and endemic corruption by hegemonic and tribal elites in South Sudan once and for all.
  6. Accountability for and recovery of all stolen monies in billions by the ruling elites from public coffers and resources, wasted in corrupt deals, personal enrichment at public expense, or in money laundry in
    real estate or property abroad Freedom of expression, and independent public broadcasting and democratic media sector that is not operating under state control, and which enjoy the right of access to information and the Public’s Rightto Know.
    NADAFA, the alliance shall seek to realize a political solution to the conflict in South Sudan predicated
  7. All the peoples of South Sudan shall be guaranteed the right to live in a civil and democratic society
    which respects human and peoples rights in conformity with the ACHPR2
  8. The peoples of South Sudan shall have the right to determine the system and form of governance in
    the social contract and constitution making process, which may be a federation of three or more states or confederation of them Any forum for peace negotiations to reach an agreement shall ensure the socio-political and economic conditions that promote Three Autonomous Regions for a just and lasting peace for all the peoples of South Sudan are met, and guaranteed by the world community, and the protracted presence of UN peace keeping forces as may be adequate and necessary to keep the peace.
  9. The world community are urged and welcome to contribute both relief and development resources to
    support the new and democratic societies and political forces establish a strong foundation for
    democracy and lasting peace in South Sudan based on Three Autonomous NADAFA Governments in
    Malakal, Juba and Wau.
    The People’s Democratic Movement, the Workers Party of Upper Nile, and Federal Democratic Party (FDP)/Army take the opportunity once more to repeat their call to our people in Upper Nile, Equatoria
    and Bahr al Ghazal to forge a broad based socio-political struggle under the National Alliance for Democracy And Freedom Action (NADAFA) in our country, to end SPLM impunity, and lead democratic
    transformation that will usher in a just and sustainable peace.
    NADAFA Alliance’s – Urgent recommendations to IGAD, AU, TROIKA and UNSC for a negotiated peace agreement in South Sudan: ………….Continue (P2) ….

CC: H.E.Ambassador. Ismail Wais, IGAD Special Envoy to South Sudan
CC: President Salva Kiir Mayardit, Head of TGONU, SPLM-IG
CC: Hon. Agelo Beda, Co-Chair of The National Dialogue Committee

CC: Dr. Riek Machar Teny, Chairman and C-in-C, SPLM-IO
CC: Mr. Peter Gatdet Yak, Chairman, South Sudan Opposition Alliance SSOA
CC: Dr. Kwaje Lasu, South Sudan National Democratic Alliance SSNDA
CC: Mr. Deng Alor Kuol, Representative SPLM-FDs
CC: Mr. Peter Mayen, Other Political Parties, OPP
CC: H.E. Ambassador Lt. Gen. Augostino Njoroge, Interim Chairperson RJMEC,
CC: H.Es. Ambassador Chris Trott, Ambassador Erling Skjønsberg,,TROIKA
CC: H.E. Mr. Mousa Faki Mohamat, Chairperson of AU
CC: H.E. David Shearer, Head of UNMISS

Name Organization
Dr. Hakim Dario Chairman People’s Democratic Movement
Mr. Gatluke Reat Chairman Workers Party of Upper Nile Greateruppernile1@g
Mr. Thomas Peter Chairman Federal Democratic Party


Regards, Gatluke ReatPhone: www.uppernile.o Federal Democratic Republic of Upper Nile Malakal, Malaka




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