Geeska Afrika Online

Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros holds discussions with the President of the Chinese CGCOC Group

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) November 12, 2015. Public Diplomacy & regional Security. Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom met with the President of the Chinese CGCOC Group, Mr. Ji Weimin, on Thursday (November 12).

Dr. Tedros emphasized that Ethiopia was very interested in Chinese investment and particularly wanted to encourage it for the country’s industrial parks and the manufacturing sector. Ethiopia, he said, planned to boost its export earnings during the second Growth and Transformation Plan implementation period over the next five years.

Various sectors had already begun to tap massive Chinese investment and there was, he underlined, huge potential for further investment flows from China. The CGCOC Group, the Minister said, could certainly help Ethiopia successfully implement the Growth and Transformation Plan.

Mr. Weimin welcomed the support provided by the Ethiopian Government to his company and to Chinese investors as a whole. He said that the CGCOC Group expected to enhance its investment presence, considering Ethiopia’s good leadership and huge market opportunities.

The President of the CGCOC Group also revealed his company’s interest to further deepen industrial and knowledge transfer cooperation with Ethiopia.

Dr. Tedros and Mr. Weimin both stressed the importance of strengthening further cooperation between Ethiopia and China in the areas on which the leaders of the two countries had reached a consensus, including making Ethiopia a center of excellence for industrialization and investment.

The CGCOC Group is an international group engaged in the businesses of engineering construction, trade and leasing, petrochemical, mineral exploration, investment and operation, as well as agency and consultancy work. MFA




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