Geeska Afrika Online

Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir:Experience, Vision & Leadership of Somali Parliament


Mogadishu (HAN) January 8.2017 Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. As Dr. Abdullahi Mohamed’s tenure as interim leader of the Somalia Green Party (SGP) draws to a close, I have been talking to a number of people and thinking about what should be the qualifications of the next leaders of Federal House of Parliament. Increasingly, people that I have talked to have said that the next leader needs to be experienced. They should have been elected or have past qualification as an MP, MLA or such. And my response is simple: Why not Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir, to be the next First Deputy leader of Federal House of Parliament in Somalia?Image result for Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir,

Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir has the executive experience to lead the new Parliament through the next 4 years. Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir had served a full term as a Federal Member of Parliament 2012-2016 and is under fifty years old. Unlike his other opponents to facilitate and empower the tough tasks ahead.

The basic argument that underlies most Western Liberal Democracies stems from the concept that any citizen who is able to convince enough of their compatriots to follow them should be able to take any elected office through an election, such as 2017 Federal House of Parliament.




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