Geeska Afrika Online

EU Provides Support to African Human Rights System

In the wake of the 12th AU-EU Human Rights Dialogue, the European Union (EU) Wednesday signed a 1.8 million Euro grant contract with the Pan-African Parliament (PAP).

This was the last of a series of five contracts the EU is funding under 10 million Euros action aimed at ‘Strengthening the African Human Rights System’ under the EU Pan-African Programme (PANAF).

The main objective of the contract with the PAP is to ensure that all AU member states ratify, domesticate and implement the AU legal instruments in the field of good governance and human rights.

Other grant contracts were also signed with the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR).

_The major objective of the project with the ACERWC is to enhance and strengthen the function of the ACERWC with a view to enable the Committee effectively deliver in accordance with its mandate.

The third contract, with ACHPR, is to improve the respect for human rights under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and other relevant human rights instruments.

The AfCHPR contract complements the previous one by concentrating on the streamlining of the Court’s processes to improve efficiency and understanding of the proceedings.

The PANAF, which was set up in order to support African integration, is the first ever EU cooperation instrument that covers the whole Africa. It was established in 2014, and constitutes one of the main EU financial instruments for the implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy.

The PANAF is funded under the EU’s Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) with 845 million Euros for 2014-2020.

The EU has been supporting the work of the Africa’s human rights organs since 2011 in the framework of the African Union Support Programme as well as the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, according to Fana Broadcasting Corporate.



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