Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: Zenawi Was Indeed a Ruthless Killer and Patron of Terror

ASMARA (HAN) December 12.2020. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues.  The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has shaped Ethiopia’s terror history for decades and Geeska Afrika Online  has a good news and bad news for its readers this month, December 2020.

1- The bad news is it’s the 2020 holiday season and Donald Trump has praised repeatedly the former TPLF dictator Meles Zenawi Asres and his EPRDF for being a ruthless killer of terrorists (Al-Shabaab) and Zenawi  was  indeed a ruthless killer, perhaps even an architect of genocide in Eritrea and Somalia. But he was much more a patron of terror (TPLF families and their supporters in Ethiopia) than a counter-terrorist.

“He’s like the spider at the center of the EPRDF web — he could pick up on the smallest tremor, then deftly use his personalized political retail skills to manage the politics of the Ethiopian security and army,” a regional security and political historian, prof Nour kaafi told Geeska Afrika Online news desk.

Mr. Zenawi  used a similar approach to manage regional national state leaders in Oromia, Somali, Afar, Amhara and tribal chiefs. “Most of them became militarized and enmeshed in one of the popular defense forces. He has that extraordinary network, and it’s all in his head,” prof Nour added.

The good news is it’s the holiday season and the new year 2021. Of course, the internet never slows down in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and December is no exception. Here’s what’s going on.

2- No More TPLF subjugation in the Horn of Africa region. The group “aimed to secure the self-determination of Tigray within the Ethiopian polity, but become snowball effect, and a tool of terror in the region (1991-2018).”

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