Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: Why Tigray state president is resigning?

Addis Ababa (HAN) January 7th, 2019. Regional Security and Governance issues, reported by WALTA. Tigray regional state president and the current Chairman of TPLF, Comrade Debretsion Gebremichael, has submitted his resignation and also reported by Walta.

The WALTA source said that it is unclear if his resignation is accepted or not in Tigray or TPLF executive committee and the Central committee.

The Local news Walta did not report, the main reason why Comrade Debretsion decided to tender his resignation, while the leadership of TPLF central committee had a meetings to challenge issues facing by their Regional State.

There are rumors of split within the decision-making body in the TPLF leadership core party over the issue of handing over the former spy chief, Getachew Assefa, to the Federal government of Ethiopia.

The office of the Attorney General of Federal Ethiopia disclosed this week in the parliament that an arrest warrant has been issued on Getachew and he has no immunity for he is not a member of the Federal or regional parliament.

According to The Ethiopian Reporter which cited Getachew Reda (one of the nine TPLF executives), Getachew Assefa, who is a member of TPLF’s central committee and executive committee, did not attend the central committee meeting this week.

Getachew Reda told The Reporter that there was no agenda item regarding the former spy chief during TPLF’s central Committee meeting.

Sources: WALTA for

IGAD2020 Regional Security Watch



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