Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: Why Israeli delegation were Expelled from 23rd AU Summit?

Addis Ababa (HAN) June 27, 2014. Regional Africa security and partnership update:  by. Ofer Petersburg, the opening ceremony for the 23rd African Union Summit in Malabo was to begin Thursday with a declaration of support for the three kidnapped Israeli teens by a number of participants, until bad blood brought tensions to a boil.

Scheduled declaration of support from African nations scrapped; Arab League representatives demand ‘Israelis’ leave before joining summit.


“I have never seen such racism, such anti-Semitism. We were humiliated,” said several of the Jews in attendance, who had left Equatorial Guinea in a fury after changing their flights.

“It all began when one of the Arab delegates, from Egypt, approached us at dinner the night before the opening and asked what we were doing here, pointing at the men wearing kippahs,” said Israeli businesswoman Yardena Ovadia, who had organized the invitation of the Jewish delegation to the summit.

Ovadia, who has close ties with Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang, said that she explained to the delegate that her and her friends were Jews from the US, not Israelis.

The following day representatives of the Arab League refused to enter the hall until all the Jews left, or as they called them, the “Israeli delegation.”

“We were already seated in the conference hall,” said Ovadia. “The heads of the Arab League announced a boycott of the conference until the ‘Israeli delegation’ left. We officially declared that we were Americans, not Israelis, but it didn’t help.”

“There was a representative of the US congress with us. She was shocked and said that there will be an official government statement,” Ovadia added.

Fourteen delegates from the delegation of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations stood up and left the hall, and the proceedings opened after an hour’s delay.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was scheduled to appear but sent his deputy in his stead. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was in the hall, as well as Egyptian President al-Sisi, the prime minister of Spain, four Iranian ministers, and other foreign dignitaries.

The clash with the “Israeli delegation” was started by the president of Mauritania.

The Palestinian Authority representative said in his address to the summit that the Jews have experienced a holocaust but that they were currently instigating a holocaust on the Palestinian people. A statement released by the heads of the Jewish delegation said that no ear could absorb such menacing words.

“In our hotel are four senior Iranian ministers,” said Ovadia. “They were very cordial until the day of the summit’s opening. They slammed us unjustifiably. This will not go unanswered.”

She added: “The president of Equatorial Guinea called us to personally apologize and invited the Conference of Presidents’ delegation to a special dinner, but we had rescheduled their private flight and they had already left.”



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4 Responses to “Ethiopia: Why Israeli delegation were Expelled from 23rd AU Summit?”

  1. Duri

    This is shameful. This is not an Arab League meeting, why should Arabs dictate African affairs?

  2. me

    israel seaerching for missing teens by killing teens .shamful !

  3. why?

    that is disgusting. The Arabs have their own organization -Arab League- they can do whatever they want there, they should leave the African organizations to Africans especially if they cannot be tolerant of other people. We Africans accept everyone into our home, that includes Arabs, Israelis, Iranians, Chinese, Indians, Americans etc.

    If Arabs cannot understand our culture of acceptance and tolerance then they can stay away. period.

  4. God’s Peoples Fellowship of Pakistan
    Showing Love for the House of Israel
    “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee” (Psalm 122:6)
    Prayer Request & Awareness Message for the Christian Citizens of Pakistan
    Dear Readers,
    As you know that the Pakistani Christians and Jews are not allowed to travel on Pakistani passports to the Holy / sacred Bible land Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Church of Holy Sepulcher (City of King David) which is situated in the state of Israel for the purpose of pilgrimage visit, as the Christians in the world does. On behalf of the millions of Christians and thousands of Jews (living with hidden identity) in Pakistan, the Christian religious organization namely “God’s peoples Fellowship of Pakistan” has instituted a Constitution Petition under Article 184 (3) in the Supreme Court of Pakistan as per the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, through its Deputy Secretary General Mr.Aamir Suleman Aziz that has being tirelessly struggling for such cause since 1985. The GPFP is proud and blessed to file this Constitution Petition that is a case of its own nature in the history of Pakistan since its creation. It is with the guidance of “Almighty God” we the GPFP understand the importance of Christian liberty of religious rights, for which we have been deprived.
    Keeping, in view the abovementioned religious cause, you are therefore kindly requested / appeal for your sincere prayer during the upcoming Lent season, for the succession of such petition. Amen
    “For Jerusalem sake I will not keep silent” Isaiah 62:1

    Invocation by:
    Ashraf P. Butt (Advocate)
    Secretary General GPFP
    Call: 0301 – 2292256
    Please Visit us on facebook

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