Geeska Afrika Online
Tigray President

Ethiopia: Tigray President “Prepare for WAR”

Debretsion Gebremichael – President of Tigray Region – has gone on television to warn his people to prepare for a looming war.

He says repeatedly that the Tigrayan people want peace but if war is waged against them, they are prepare to fight and to win.

This war, he adds, is being waged by the Federal Governmentt of Ethiopia and a foreign power, i. e. the Eritrean regime. He calls on Eritrea’s armed forces and its people to work hard to prevent this war.

The people of the region have had costly wars in the past, he says, and have no need for further conflicts. Instead they should be working to end the poverty of their people. President Debretsion pleads repeatedly for all differences to be amicably and peacefully resolved.

The tone of the President’s speech was measured, dignified and eloquent.






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