Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: Thousands of Ethiopians migrate to Somalia

Bossaso (HAN) February 28, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional political news. Thousands of Ethiopians migrate to Somalia In search of a better life. Ethiopians ‘migrating’ to Somalia Puntland region.

A growing number of people from the Ethiopian Oromo tribe are migrating to Somalia’s autonomous Puntland region. Many of these migrants help boost the local economy, some local leaders want to see them deported.

Al Jazeera’s Hamza Mohamed reports from Bossaso, Somalia.


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5 Responses to “Ethiopia: Thousands of Ethiopians migrate to Somalia”

  1. ali

    Do they’local leaders’want an exchange with ethiopia or is just a xenophobic attitude toward ethiopians? How many somalis living in ethiopia,kenya,djibouti?

  2. muziet

    dis is d secret plane of Weyane to Oromia people as the Derge to Tgray people Scatering via Ethiopia provinces n traying to Weaken WEYANE.

  3. weli

    close to 100,000 live in Somaliland and am happy for thm,they r my brothers,we live in Ethiopia,too. Let the people mix so we can have lasting peace and prosper.

  4. Saba

    ethiopia political system is not good for my people anymore we had to leave our beloved country because of the ruling party.
    My father told as we can not go back now, we will when Oromia is FREE.

  5. yonas ghirmay

    Eritrea is the best country in the earth

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