Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopian Sudani border Security tension flares again

Khartoum (HAN) June 30, 2014.  Regional Security border updates. The Horn of Africa’s Fractious neighbors renew crossfire over disputed border lines after a Sudan troops was killed in clashes with unknown Ethiopian forces.

“Ethiopian militia group opened unprovoked fire from across the border at Sudan border post , they fired mortars and automatic weapons,” one
Sudani Diplomat told HAN (the Horn of Africa Newsline) in Khartoum on condition of anonymity. “Our troops responded with retaliatory fire.”

The regional ethnic porous border is unmarked in places and a battleground in the fight against Local rebels supported by Eritrea.

While Sudan and Ethiopia continue to disagree on many key border issues, they reported progress in their bilateral relations in 2012 With the Ethiopian Prime ministers statretic doctrine.

In 2013, Ethiopia and South Sudan have signed an agreement to work jointly on measures aimed at combating regional security threats and ensuring peace along their shared border.The agreement was reached after senior army officers from the two neighboring countries held security talks in Ethiopia’s western Gambella state, which borders South Sudan.  At that time,  Ethiopian security forces destroyed Eritrea-Backed rebel group in North-western Ethiopia.


According to Ethiopian security officials, A group of terrorists who were given military training and armed in Eritrea were killed and captured by the Ethiopian security forces while trying to sneak in to Ethiopia through the Sudanese border. The report said six were killed and 12 of them were captured alive.

Meanwhile, details of the accident:

The border tension is brewing along the Sudan-Ethiopia border after ten Sudanese soldiers were killed in a skirmish with a militia group there on Saturday, the army and witnesses said. Sudanese farmers in Gedaref State told the {African Press Agency } on Sunday that another 13 soldiers were injured in the attack believed to have been carried out by an Ethiopian militia.

Other reports spoke of Sudan’s Paramilitary Popular Defense amassing troops near the border with Ethiopia in the wake of the incident, the second in one month.

Sudan and Ethiopia agreed to deploy joint patrols along their common border to prevent the movement of rebels, smugglers and human traffickers.

The Sudanese army confirmed the incident but denied the suspected involvement of Ethiopian regular forces.

Army spokesman Colonel Alswarmy Khalid Saad told APA that the soldiers were killed in clashes with an unidentified Ethiopian group, describing the incident as isolated.

He said clashes between the Sudanese troops and the militias took place on the farmlands in Basonda near the border on Saturday morning.

The gunmen were attempting to control agricultural projects in Basonda, which are owned by the Popular Defence Force Saad claimed.

Photo: The Egyptian foreign minister along with his Ethiopian counterpart stressed that Ethiopia will understand the importance of the Nile River to Egypt and that Egypt will understand the Ethiopian need for development.



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3 Responses to “Ethiopian Sudani border Security tension flares again”

  1. Duri Mohammed

    I don’t understand why always Eritrea is mentioned in connection to such incidents. This is purely an Ethiopian- Sudan affair!!! Please hands off Eritrea. It is a dirty propaganda Ethiopian machinery. Going to the reality will give a clear picture to the subject and that is expected from news outlets. Dont make Eritrea as a scape- goat.

  2. aman

    Thank you Duri, the Ethiopian government which is lousy at cleaning its mess always blames Eritrea. I wouldn’t be surprised if they blame Eritrea if the rains don’t come this winter.


  3. Asmara

    Duri & Aman, Eritrea, your government, behind of most of terrorists activities in the Horn? do you think about this before trying to clean your government’s dirt?

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