Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia Shuts Down Drugstore Selling Banned Substances

Addis Ababa (HAN) August 30 th, 2017 – Public Diplomacy and Selling banned substances to athletes Project.  According ELIAS MESERET of AP, a drugstore in Ethiopia that was selling banned substances to athletes across the road from the country’s main track stadium has been shut down pending an investigation, anti-doping authorities said Tuesday.

Ethiopia’s Anti-Doping Office confirmed that the pharmacy was offering the blood-boosting substance EPO after a preliminary investigation.

The store was shut down for three months pending a full probe, the office said, and the head of the pharmacy had his pharmaceutical license revoked for six months.

The preliminary investigation, carried out by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Sport, came in response to an undercover report by British newspaper The Guardian and German broadcaster ARD. They said their journalists found EPO was easily available at the pharmacy, which was offering the substance while the national athletics championships took place across the road at the Ethiopian National Stadium in May.





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