Geeska Afrika Online
Upcoming Election, 2nd GERD Filling, Maintenance Of Peace, Security Decisive Steps Toward Better Tomorrow:

Ethiopia: Security Decisive Steps Toward Better Tomorrow. Election, GERD, Peace

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) April 22. 2021. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. The National Security Council of Ethiopia has today issued a statement on current circumstances in the country regarding national and regional security affairs.

The statement indicates that Ethiopia is going through several challenges due to some internal and external evil forces working to destabilize the nation.

Saying that the ongoing challenges are anticipated ones that every change faces, the statement underlined that all the bottlenecks can be overcome if the people stand in unison with the government for the better future.

The statement lists the upcoming election, second filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and maintenance of national and regional peace and security are the decisive steps Ethiopia should take towards better tomorrow.

Council called up on the public to get registered for the election and have voter ID card and make their decision for their future destiny.

Second filling of the dam will be achieved despite the challenges the country is facing from inside and outside factors, the statement underscored.

The national Security Council urged all regional and national security forces to stand in unison and maintain peace and security, expressing conviction that the betterment of Ethiopia is attainable through sacrifices of its brave sons and daughters.



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