Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: Rebel Leader Andargachew detained by security forces in Yemen

Aden (HAN) July 2, 2014 – Andargachew Tsige, Secretary General of the Ethiopian opposition, Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy, has been detained by Yemeni government, according to the organization’s press statement that was issued today.

According to the press statement, Ato Andargachew was on a transit flight en route to Eritrea when he made a stop in Yemen.


Press Release, Ginbot 7 Movement:  The people of Ethiopia are Shocked and disappointed over the illegal detention of Andargachew Tsige, Secretary General of Ginbot7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy by Yemen security forces during his transit flight in Yemen.

Mr. Andargachew is an Ethiopian origin and British citizen who has been struggling for prevalence of democracy in Ethiopia. He has devoted himself to the true cause of Ethiopian people, the inevitable desire for democracy. Though foiled successfully, the criminal dictatorial regime in Ethiopia has attempted to assassinate the leader Andargachew in November 2013. Mr. Andargachew is hero for Ethiopian people and is one of the icons of democracy in the nation.

The Senna Security forum that has been signed under former president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh and former dictator of Ethiopia Melse Zenawi which lead TPLF to establish surveillance base in Yemen for surveillance and phone tapping on Ethiopian opposition has been serious concern for Ethiopian people. The illegal detention of Mr. Andargachew, by Yemen Security forces since June 23, 2014 has no ground and is grave concern for the people of Ethiopia. We urge the government of Yemen to immediately free Mr. Andargachew and the Yemen security forces not to transfer him to the criminal regime in Addis under any circumstance. Yemen has no ground to detain Mr. Andargachew who has been tirelessly working for prevalence of democracy in Ethiopia.

We request the government of Yemen to carefully evaluate its long term interest and lasting cooperation with the people of Ethiopia and avoid short termism in dealing with dictatorial regime in Ethiopia. The long historical relationship between the people of the two sisterly nations has endured, in spite of changing regimes, on the basis of mutual cooperation.

The people of Ethiopia considers the act of transferring Mr. Andargachew to the dictatorial regime in Ethiopia as direct attack on its long aspiration and struggle for genuine democracy in the nation. We hereby request President Hadi not to take any steps that will jeopardies the long lasting relationship between the people of the two sisterly nations and to order the immediate release of Mr. Andargachew.

Thank you in advance for your serious consideration.



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12 Responses to “Ethiopia: Rebel Leader Andargachew detained by security forces in Yemen”

  1. Why with Eritrea?

    If he was truly in favour of Ethiopian people. he would have never been friend of Shabia/Isayas

  2. Tekeze

    This man is wanted by Ethiopian people for quite some time. Thanks god finally he is in custody to face a justice by his own people and state. Lock him up indefinitely he is a minister. Brhanu Nega! You are next in line.

  3. One world class terrorist down

  4. Haji Awol

    The Ethiopian people shocked! What a joke. He is one of the traitors serving shabia. We have been extremely delighted, not shocked. We pray that the same will happen to the other bastard Berhanu Nega. Any person that collaborate with Shabia cannot have any moral background to claim to be an Ethiopian

  5. Peace for all

    Mr. Andargachew is the one of Terrorist in the Horne of Africa. He is messenger of Isaias Afewrki . He will be Transfer soon.

    Peace for all

  6. Seyoum

    You guys, you don’t know what is hero. According to you,Someone who is eating raw meat, drinking beer, sleeping with women, talking too much in America is hero. Let me tell you one thing, may be it can take time, but you will not escape from our hand. You have shouted for 23 years but you did not bring any thing except crying. Andergachew is already in our hand and you will hear his death soon. I thing you guys you don’t know us that we are the brave people who do not talk much but doing our jobs silently.

  7. yimer

    We Ethiopia hardly need peace we don’t want any one to disturb the current stability and development . Thus as a terrorist Andargachew should be handed over to the Ethiopia Government as soon as possible


    We Ethiopians demand immediate and unconditionally release of Andargachew Tsege, Yemeni government and authorities, you are commuting crime and violating international laws. You have no reason to detain him more than a week. we urge you to release him immediately. His extenuated detention will not auger well both for Yemeni and Ethiopian people, it will only sour the long and historic relation of the two great people

  9. Ethiopian

    He is our hero! No talk , release him or be ready to take the stick!

  10. Yordanos Molla

    It ‘s good news that terrorist groups leader has caught and ready to appear to justice for his crime up on Ethiopians.

  11. Abebe gelaw

    did you say that he is fighting for freedom !?!?! what freedom ?! all Ethiopians are happy not shocked , already he is in our hand our next step will be Birhanu Nega , We capture him in Asmera when he is begging for dollars

  12. Tariku

    all our enemy should be in JAIL to see our country develop. make him to sleep on the rock in the cell..

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