Geeska Afrika Online
Thermal Energy Generating

Ethiopia: Portable Geothermal Power Plant Funded by Japan

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) March 19. 2021. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is funding the set up of a 5 MW portable geothermal power plant in Ethiopia.

Katsuki Morihara Chief Representative JICA to Ethiopia shared his office support of geothermal development in Ethiopia.

“JICA is providing grant aid of about USD 18 million to introduce a portable geothermal power plant with the capacity of 5 MW. Its generation capacity is rather small but it is easy to install.” he said.

At the same time JICA is also exploring the possibility of projects in the Afar area, as well as carrying out preparatory surveys for a large-scale geothermal power plant at Aluto-Langano.

In addition, JICA experts have been working in government institutions in the energy sector including the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy to provide policy advice as well as coordinate JICA’s cooperation in the field.



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