Geeska Afrika Online
Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia PM “Shot Himself in the Foot” over the Dam

Khartoum (HAN) 24 October, 2020 – Regional Economic Integration and Peace initiatives led by President Trump of the United States and and Netanyahu, Prime minister of Greater Israel. Prime minister Abey Ahmed of Ethiopia “Shot Himself in the Foot”

According to the sources close to the Office of the Ethiopian Prime minister, Abey Ahmed said “it hurt me so much to hear the president.”

According to the Live broadcast inside the White House, President Donald Trump on voiced anger at Ethiopian Prime minister Abey Ahmed and His leadership over its construction of a huge dam on the Nile River and appeared to suggest that Egypt may destroy it.

Trump made the remarks as he announced a breakthrough normalization deal between US ally Israel and Sudan, which like Egypt fears that Ethiopia will use up scarce water resources.

“It’s a very dangerous situation because Egypt is not going to be able to live that way,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office with leaders of Sudan and Israel on speakerphone.

“They’ll end up blowing up the dam. And I said it and I say it loud and clear, ”

‘they’ll blow up that dam.’ And they have to do something,” President Trump said.

“They should have stopped it long before it started,” Trump said, regretting that Egypt was in domestic tumult when the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project began in 2011.”I had a deal done for them and then unfortunately Ethiopia broke the deal, which they should not have done. That was a big mistake,” President Trump said.

Sources, HAN and AFP clips.

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