Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: Oromia a Proof of Ethiopia’s unique hospitable culture

Kampala (HAN) December 30, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Regional Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical Church News. President Yoweri kaguta Museveni returned to Kampala, Uganda and finished his three day state visit to Ethiopia. Over the weekend, President Yoweri kaguta Museveni, accompanied by First Lady, Janet Kataaha Museveni, Ministers and senior government officials, visited Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC) in Bishoftu town in Oromia Regional State.

President Yoweri kaguta Museveni also visited cultural and natural attraction sites in and around Arba Minich town, and the Gilgel Gibe III hydroelectric power generation project.

During his visit to Arba Minich town, President Yoweri kaguta Museveni expressed his gratitude to the people of Gamo Gofa for the warm welcome accorded to him and his delegation, adding that this was a solid proof of Ethiopia’s unique hospitable culture. President Yoweri kaguta Museveni also said that the southern part of Ethiopia shared numerous commonalities with Uganda in terms of language, culture, music, dance and geography and promised send a team of anthroplogists to study the commonalities. Senior government officials from Uganda underlined that both countries needed to pool and share their strengths to deepen their cooperation to speed up their journey towards regional peace, stability and prosperity.

They expressed Uganda’s readiness and will to work together with Ethiopia and encourage people-to-people relations to enhance the bilateral ties. On the occasion, Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom, underscored that expediting investment and trade ties through massive infrastructure projects ought to be scaled up by a concerted action of both countries. He stressed that Ethiopia, Rwanda and Kenya needed to coordinate in infrastructural links from Mombasa to Kampala so as to improve intra-African trade.

The Foreign Minister also promised that Ethiopia would extend its support to the success of the study intended to be undertaken by Ugandan delegation of specialists in anthropology.

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4 Responses to “Ethiopia: Oromia a Proof of Ethiopia’s unique hospitable culture”

  1. Mohammed

    The first thing Gamo Gofa is not Oromia. The president went to arbaminch and you are telling me how Hospital the oromia people are. I am not saying they are not but the point I am trying to make is your title doesn’t coincide with the content of the report.

    1. dawit

      Thanks Mohammed. Exactly my point

  2. bilateral relation these two countries help for development specially in agriculture, turism and trade secter.

  3. Abba omar

    The president went to Oromia first For various reasons people that use to benefit from subjecation of oromo people hate to hear word Oromia, oromo being mention in any text. How can a reconciliation exist if people that benefitted from their forefathers mistakes do not accept their responsibility. The giant is awake whether you like it or not you will you will hear much more of Oromo and Oromia.
    Thank you geeska

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