Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: A Low Rainfall Brings Symptoms of New Drought

Drought is continuing to affect close to 9.7 million Ethiopians as the situation is made worse by flooding and outbreaks of disease.

A below average rainfall in the south and south eastern parts of the country were reported. This particularly affected parts of Somali region, Afar, some low land areas of Oromia and the Southern Nation, Nationalities and People’s regions.

Moreover, a few areas in southern Tigray and north eastern Amhara were also affected by a poor Meher harvest.

Pre-assessment estimates indicate that there are worrying symptoms of a new drought, as stated in the weekly humanitarian bulletin issued by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs on November 28, 2016.

Currently, the Ethiopian government along with humanitarian partners are conducting a Meher assessment in 216 weredas of the nine regional states and the Dire Dawa City administration.

A few weeks ago, humanitarian partners expressed their concerns on the effects of the state of emergency and on the implementation of humanitarian relief efforts, particularly with related to public gatherings.

Authorities have assured the humanitarian community that restrictions under the declared state of emergency do not apply to gatherings in humanitarian operations such public gatherings in food distribution points and nutrition screening centres, according to the bulletin.



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