Geeska Afrika Online

ETHIOPIA: Huawei Offers Cyber Security Training To ECA Experts

DEGEHABUR  (HAN) JULY 28. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. – Huawei Ethiopia has provided Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA) with three-day cyber security training from July 25 to 27. Huawei’s top cyber security experts led the training.

The Ethiopian Communications Authority Director General Engineer Balcha Reba attended the opening of the training and in his opening remarks he appreciated and acknowledged Huawei’s efforts into building digital Ethiopia and said “A security issue is not something provided by an external body to us, it is a system and a strategy we have to develop internally.

The training covered global cyber security challenges and analysis, introduction to cyber security governance standards, introduction to Huawei’s end-to-end cyber security assurance system, 5G security technologies based on 5G security considerations, and a virtual tour exhibition in the Cyber Security and Privacy Protection Transparency Exhibition Hall.

It is not only a tactical or technological input; it is also policy and strategy as well. So, all the leaders as well as the vendors, the industry all together needs to work on accountability.”

He stressed need to understand who the hackers that affect systems are by stealing data, how viruses work, and which components of software and systems must function effectively to safeguard systems.

“Therefore, such trainings are beneficial in learning more about cyber security issues and acting accordingly,” he said.

The CEO of Huawei Ethiopia Chen Mingliang (Jerry) expressed his gratitude and respect to Ethiopian Communications Authority for the efforts made to coordinate and to build a better-connected Ethiopia and for the endeavors that makes Ethiopia to enter the 5G era.

He also emphasized that the recent generation are live in a highly interconnected world, where the physical and digital worlds are increasingly converging, and the network boundaries are blurring. “Cyber security and privacy protection are increasingly important.”

Huawei has established 7 cyber security transparency centers around the world, including 2 global centers located in Brussels and Dongguan (China), 3,000 employees working full-time on cyber security Research and Development (R&D).



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