Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: General Samora Lambasts Opposition disregarding values

Addis Ababa (HAN) January 3, 2015 – Public diplomacy and Interview with dialogue news. General Samora Muhammad Yunis is the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defence Forces. General Samora Muhammad Yunis, chief of staff of Ethiopian national defense forces, has strongly criticized Ethiopian opposition groups for disregarding values of Ethiopian national interests.

After explaining how Derge Army Core 604 was defeated in Shire two decades ago, the four-star general commented in a question-and-answer session that Ethiopian opposition groups don’t respect values of basic national interests.

“EPRDF welcomes genuine opposition groups. However our opposition groups are literally selling out the national interests of the nation to external forces. Some of them are even publicly declaring to dismantle the Ethiopian national defense forces” General Samora added.

General Samora: Ethiopian Military vital to stability in the Horn of Africa and in Ethiopia

Photo: General Samora Yenus, chief of staff of Ethiopian national defense forces, by Awramba


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One response to “Ethiopia: General Samora Lambasts Opposition disregarding values”

  1. edossa Kenea

    /* A perfect an order a modern an international a standard a simple an integrate a true a life freedom a peace a love a soul an activist an origin a general a Samora a self a determine a democratic a brave can serve himself ! I came from mother wollega a Dembi Dollo! quit die yourself from my an intelligent soul! */

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