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Ethiopia: Geeska Daily. Ethio-Hungary Business Forum opens & More

Ethio-Hungary Business Forum opens in Addis Ababa

The Ethio-Hungary Business Forum opened today (April 12, 2016) at InterContinental Hotels in Addis Ababa. The forum is attended by high level government officials, diplomats, representatives of the business sector of both countries, and invited guests. Opening the Forum, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Pe’ter Szijjarto’, noted Hungary has recently reformed its foreign policy, giving the priority to economic cooperation. And as Africa is emerging, the Foreign Minister underscored that his country is keen to forge trade and investment ties with this continent. In Africa, he stressed, “Ethiopia is our most important partner,” adding that Ethiopia has one of the best performing economies in the world today. Accordingly, he noted Hungary has opened a trade relations office in Addis Ababa and the Hungarian Embassy in Addis has been discharging the task of creating economic ties with Ethiopian partners. He further said Hungary is ready to strengthen business and investment relations with Ethiopia. Hungary is ready to transfer technologies in areas including pharmaceuticals, medical equipments, digital and electronic communication, food processing, water technology, and higher education, he added. Mr. Elias Geneti, President of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Organizations welcomed the Hungarian delegation and said Ethiopia would like to build credible, valuable, and reliable business partnerships. He added Ethiopia is doing everything possible to make sure that the country offers enabling trade and investment environment.  As much as the country wants the foreign delegation to come to Ethiopia, it’s working to guarantee the investments coming base on a lasting ground. The investment forum also includes presentations about investment and trade potentials and opportunity sectors in both the countries, and B2B sessions. The two sides also signed an MOU to facilitate investment and business ties, trade and business information sharing; and build links between the business community of both nations.

Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs arrives in Addis for an official visit

Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom received this morning (April 12) Hungary’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and trade Péter Szijjártó who have just arrived at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport for a state visit. On his visit to Ethiopia, the minister is accompanied by 20 Hungarian investors and he is expected to attend an opening ceremony for Ethio-Hungary business to business forum. During his stay in Ethiopia, the Minister will confer with his Ethiopian counterpart Dr. Tedros Adhanom on ways to consolidate relations in trade and investment fields. The honorable minister is also scheduled to meet with senior Ethiopian government officials.

Prime Minister Hailemariam receives the Grand Croix award

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn received the Grand Croix award, by the Government of the Republic of Guinea, the highest honor that can be bestowed up on a person by the country. During his tour, the Premier was welcomed by the President of Guinea and the Diplomatic Communities residing in the country. The visit aimed at rejuvenating and uplifting the longstanding bilateral relation between the two countries.

Ambassador Taye Astke-Selassie receives Kenyan Ambassador to Ethiopia

State Minister Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie received this morning (April 12) Kenyan Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ms. Catherine Muigai Mwangi. Ambassador Taye appreciated the excellent bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Kenya, and noted that the historic and substantive relations between the two countries had further been strengthened through the implementation of the cross border integrated program. He added the cross border program, meant “a lot for the development of the two countries and the people living in the border area.” He also welcomed the decision of the International Criminal Court to drop the case against the Kenyan Deputy President William Samoei Ruto.

Ambassador Catherine Muigai Mwangi expressed that her government welcomed the solidarity of the Ethiopian government and commended the support the Ministry of Foreign Affairs extended to Kenya on the ICC case. She further noted the exemplary and historic relations between Ethiopia and Kenya are being consolidated in various sectors. She noted the cross border program being implemented between the two countries recognizes the commonality of the population of the area and can be a good example for other projects. The two sides also discussed on several regional issues of common interest.

Ambassador Taye receives Djibouti’s Ambassador to Ethiopia

Ambassador Taye Atske-selassie received Djibouti’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mr. Mohammed Idriss Farah in his offices today (April 12, 2016). Ambassador Taye congratulated the people and the Government of the Republic of Djibouti for holding peaceful, free and fair election. He also expressed his gratitude for the humanitarian support that Djibouti extended to Ethiopia in the efforts of mitigating the recent drought, noting that this reaffirms the strong relations between the two countries. Ambassador Mohammed Idriss Farah thanked the State Minister for having him and stated the two sisterly countries should work together in times of difficulties and that his government is keen to assist Ethiopia in any way possible. Upon welcoming the remarks the State Minister Made on Djibouti’s recent election, the Ambassador hoped Prime Minister Hailemariam would attend the inauguration ceremony due to be held in early May.

Ethio-Hungary Business Forum opens in Addis Ababa

The Ethio-Hungary Business Forum opened today (April 12, 2016) at InterContinental Hotels in Addis Ababa. The forum is attended by high level government officials, diplomats, representatives of the business sector of both countries, and invited guests. Opening the Forum, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Pe’ter Szijjarto’, noted Hungary has recently reformed its foreign policy, giving the priority to economic cooperation. And as Africa is emerging, the Foreign Minister underscored that his country is keen to forge trade and investment ties with this continent. In Africa, he stressed, “Ethiopia is our most important partner,” adding that Ethiopia has one of the best performing economies in the world today. Accordingly, he noted Hungary has opened a trade relations office in Addis Ababa and the Hungarian Embassy in Addis has been discharging the task of creating economic ties with Ethiopian partners. He further said Hungary is ready to strengthen business and investment relations with Ethiopia. Hungary is ready to transfer technologies in areas including pharmaceuticals, medical equipments, digital and electronic communication, food processing, water technology, and higher education, he added. Mr. Elias Geneti, President of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Organizations welcomed the Hungarian delegation and said Ethiopia would like to build credible, valuable, and reliable business partnerships. He added Ethiopia is doing everything possible to make sure that the country offers enabling trade and investment environment.  As much as the country wants the foreign delegation to come to Ethiopia, it’s working to guarantee the investments coming base on a lasting ground. The investment forum also includes presentations about investment and trade potentials and opportunity sectors in both the countries, and B2B sessions. The two sides also signed an MOU to facilitate investment and business ties, trade and business information sharing; and build links between the business community of both nations.

Hungary supports Ethiopia’s candidature for non-permanent seat at the UNSC

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade disclosed here today that his country supports Ethiopia’s bid for non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council. This was made public during the bilateral talks the Hungarian Foreign Minister held with Dr. Tedros Adhanom on Tuesday (April 12). Minister Peter Szijjarto started the conversation mentioning the “common heritage” of Ethiopia and Hungary from “the fact that we both share religious civilization” and “we both have common enemies like terrorism and migration”; “we have to augment our commonalities on many different arenas.” Recalling the 400,000 emigrants who made their way to Europe and crossed the Hungarian borders and the 800,000 emigrants Ethiopia hosted, the Minister added, “That is why we were strong promoters of EU’s fund to Ethiopia.” EU allocated USD 745 million and USD1.4 billion for economic and humanitarian issues. The Minister said his country took into consideration of the many advantages Ethiopia had been exhibiting due to its double digit growth for more than ten years. He said the two countries would be more industrious if they can engage in IT, food processing, manufacturing, Agriculture, education and e-commerce. He disclosed the 28 million dollar the Hungary Exim bank had allocated to take the METC-DANUBIA joint venture flagship project to the next level of mass manufacturing. The Minister brought more than 20 Hungarian investors who would participate on business forum which started today. On regional peace and security, the Foreign Minister appreciated Ethiopia’s unparallel role for collective security in the region.

Dr. Tedros noted that “Hungary and Ethiopia are on the same page since their strategic engagement gave emphasis to trade and investment issues.” Ethiopia, he said would actively engage with Hungary, particularly, in e-commerce/ digitalizing of the commerce since this is very crucial in handling the business well. The Foreign Minister also hailed the Hungarian government for allocating significant amount of money to work on tram manufacturing and hoped for more mutual support. The two sides signed MOU which would enable them do their business in a more structured fashion. The MOU was on “establishing regular political consultations” that was believed to pilot three mutual agendas in the future; avoidance of double taxation, mutual protection of investment and waiving a diplomatic and service visa.



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One response to “Ethiopia: Geeska Daily. Ethio-Hungary Business Forum opens & More”

  1. axmed

    Hungry is the most Anti Black people in the world . I will never buy or access anything that racist hungarian business wants to peddle in Africa or anywhere Black people live .

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