Ethiopia: Arrest Warrants Issued For 76 Generals, “Treason”

Addis Ababa, November 18, 2020  – In a press release sent to Geeska Afrika online, Federal Police announced that arrest warrant has been issued for 76 General Officers, High Ranking Military Officers and Sub-ordinate military personnel over treason.

It is to be recalled that the nation issued arrest warrant for high ranking officials of the TPLF Junta who involved in the atrocious attack on the Northern Command of the National Defence Force and perpetration to dismantle the nation on November 12, 2020.

Likewise, in development decision to seize the perpetrators of the treason, the country has today issued an arrest warrant for the renegade high ranking military officials ranging from general to subordinate officers.

Police has been undertaking tight follow up investigations to capture bring to justice the military personnel and other criminals who have allegedly involved in the treachery against sovereignty of the nation.

List of the retired and active military officers charged with treason and perpetration to dismantle the constitution and the constitutional order include:

  1. -Gen Mahsho Beyene
  2. -Gen Mohammed Aysha Zeinu
  3. -Gen Mulu Girmay Gebrehiwot
  4. -Gen Halefom Ejigu
  5. -Gen Fitwi Tsegaye Gebreigziabher
  6. -Gen Gidey Hailu Gebreigziabher
  7. -Gen Negash Dagnew
  8. -Gen Mebratu Woldearegay
  9. -Gen Woldegiyorgis
  10. -Gen Abdissa Filansa
  11. -Gen Giush Gebre
  12. -Gen Kebede Fikadu
  13. -Gen Gebreyohannes
  14. -Gen Hintsa Woldegiyorgis
  15. Colonel Tewolde Gebretinsae
  16. Colonel Nigusie Gebru
  17. Colonel Mebratu Asseffa
  18. Colonel Zegeye Nigus
  19. Colonel Yalem
  20. Colonel Mebratu Tedla
  21. Colonel Negash Mebratu
  22. Colonel Teklu Belay
  23. Colonel Tigabu Meles
  24. Colonel Girma Teka
  25. Colonel Mulugeta Gebrekirstos
  26. Colonel Aramo Gebremedihin
  27. Colonel Tesfaye Gebremedihin
  28. Colonel Girmal Alemayehu
  29. Colonel Negash Alefom
  30. Colonel Tesfaye Miruts
  31. Colonel Kassaye Assefa
  32. Colonel Negasi Tadesse Seyoum
  33. Colonel Kiros Hagos Gebreegziabher
  34. Colonel Miruts Gebrelibanos Abrha
  35. Colonel Hailesselasse Kiros Tesfay
  36. Colonel Miruts Berhe
  37. Colonel Hailesselassie Assefa
  38. Colonel Derbew Hagos
  39. Colonel Wolde Hagos
  40. Colonel Niguse Amare
  41. Colonel Negasi Tadesse
  42. Colonel Baraki Wodi Raya
  43. Colonel Kebede Gebremichael
  44. Colonel Tsegabirhan Gebreegziabher
  45. Colonel Zeru Hailemelekot
  46. Colonel Haile Mezgeb
  47. Colonel Araya Gebru Gidey
  48. Colonel Yemane Gebremichael
  49. Colonel Zeru Meressa
  50. Colonel Lijalem Gebrehiwot
  51. Colonel Asmelash Woldie
  52. Colonel Fisehha Gidey
  53. Colonel Ambachew Woldegebriel
  54. Colonel Gebremeskel Woldegebriel
  55. Colonel Woldu Hagos
  56. Colonel Gebremichael Hagos
  57. Colonel Sibhatu Mebratu
  58. Colonel Tasew Woldegiyorgis
  59. Colonel Gebreegziabher Alemseged
  60. Colonel Negasi Tadesse
  61. Colonel Tekle Belay
  62. Lt Col Tewolde Abrha
  63. Lt Col Muzey Tesema Seyoum
  64. Lt Col Hadish Gebretsadik Alemayehu
  65. Lt Col Fiseha Beyene Gebrekidan
  66. Lt Col Miruts Woldearegay Gebremeskel
  67. Lt Col Miruts Berha Hagos
  68. Lt Col Tsehaye Hagos
  69. Lt Col Hagos Kiros
  70. Lt Col Gebrehintsa Hadish
  71. Lt Col Gebremedihn Woldemariam Alula
  72. Lt Col Feleke Aytegeb
  73. Major Asgedom Mesfin
  74. Capitan Muez Melkam
  75. Capitan Araya Teklehaymanot
  76. Capitan Tesfahiwot

The Federal Police Commission urged the public particularly people of Tigray, members of Special Force and Militia of Tigray, members of the National Defence Force, member of police and security forces to play their share in bringing the aforementioned and other members of the TPLF Junta to justice.
