Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia and Kenya warned South Sudan risks becoming a failed state

Addis Ababa (HAN) 12th March, 2014 – Kenya’s president has spent the morning in talks with his counterparts in Ethiopia.It’s Uhuru Kenyatta’s first state visit to an African country.The 4 days visit is aimed at strengthening bilateral ties to jointly re-visit Kenya-Ethiopia Regional security and defense starategy.

Leaders of Kenya and Ethiopia have called for international support to resolve the crisis in South Sudan and Somalia. Kenya’s president Uhuru Kenyatta says more resources are needed to halt the fighting in South Sudan as well as the spread of Al-Shabaab milintants throughout the Horn of Africa. The Ethiopian Prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn has warned South Sudan risks becoming a failed state.

Ethiopia and Kenya Urged International Support to Resolve South Sudan

The Ethiopian Prime minister Hailemariam warned South Sudan risks becoming a failed state



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