Geeska Afrika Online
ETHIOPIA Ambassador Seleshi

ETHIOPIA: Amb. Seleshi Briefs US Lawmakers On Peace Efforts

DEGEHABUR (HAN) JULY 30. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. In the last few days Ambassador Seleshi met and held productive conversations at different times, with several US Senators and Representatives such as Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Chuck Fleishmann, Congresswoman Julia Letlow, Congressman Darrell Issa, Congressman Chris Smith, Congressman Steve Womack and Congressman Darrell Issa.

In these engagements, Ambassador Seleshi briefed the law makers about the federal government’s measures on humanitarian assistance for conflict and natural disaster affected areas, peacebuilding, socio-economic development, democratization process, the recent attempt of Al Shabab terrorist group on Ethiopia and other aspects.

ETHIOPIA Ambassador Seleshi
ETHIOPIA Ambassador Seleshi

He also explained Ethiopia’s concern regarding HR.6600 and S.3199 bills. If passed, the Bills would only have unproductive results on the long-lasting relations of the two countries and the ongoing encouraging developments in Ethiopia, said Ambassador Seleshi.

Ambassador Seleshi also elaborated on how Ethiopia’s suspension from AGOA benefit is hurting ordinary Ethiopians and requested the officials for Ethiopia’s reinstatement.

The officials on their part recognized the positive progress witnessed in the areas of recognition witnessed in the areas of humanitarian access, peace-building efforts & dialogue process.

They also indicated the importance of strengthening historic ties between the two countries, while expressing their commitment to bridge the current gaps.



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