Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: Air Force Jets Attack Canadian Gold Mine in Eritrea

Addis Ababa (HAN) March 22, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Financial Investment News. According to sources in Addis, Ethiopian Air Force jets bombarded two key strategic targets, military base and Canadian Gold Mine facility.

Geeska Afrika Online security reporter is still looking for more information about the sources.

Ethiopian Air Force Jets Attack key targets Canadian Gold Mine in Eritrea In Eritrea.

The Ethiopian Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tewolde Mulugeta, rejected to comment such reports, while Ethiopian military sources confirmed to the media.

According to the official, the airstrikes were conducted separately in two key targets, at a gold mine processing facility, near the capital Asmara and a military depot in Southern AkaleGuzai, Mai Edaga.


Photo: Spokesperson for the Ethiopian foreign ministry Tewolde Muluget with Gold Mine map in Eritrea


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4 Responses to “Ethiopia: Air Force Jets Attack Canadian Gold Mine in Eritrea”

  1. Eritrean

    Geeska afrika., i would hope at least you guys would keep the journalistic ethics. This a scandalous article that has only been printed on proved false pro Ethiopian websites. Please don;t besmirch your reputation by following suit.

    I would hope that an African blog/site would try to foster goodwill or get to the truth. Don’t fan the flames of war based on nonsense sources.

  2. Alem K.

    I wish the target was the criminal crook ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his criminal gangsters, hell fire missile shredding them into pieces. I know some of you will disagree because you want to see this ruthless criminals hanged upside down like Mussolini in our free land, but for me the extermination of this ruthless blood drenched criminals with every means necessary is acceptable.
    The earlier they disappear the better because tyranny and dictatorship creates a fertile ground for religious extremists and terrorists, Libya, Syria and Iraq are pure examples.

  3. Somalilander Hargheisa

    Congratualations !!!

    To punish this mad dog Issias Afwerki is on of our duties as Africans. We are congratulating
    to Ethiopian brave military pilots. We need to show force the only language Issias knows and free
    Eritrean poor people under hell of this mad dog.

    Long live Somaliland
    Long Ethiopia

    1. wedinkaf

      Wha do you know? first you killed each other now you are selling your country to the highest squanderer; I pity Somalis they are just good for 0.

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