Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: African Union Commission signs Joint Programming Arrangements with Development Partners


Addis Ababa (HAN) April 22, 2014 Your Power & Influence Online Magazine: Geeska Afrika Online. The African Union Commission (AUC) has signed Joint Programming Arrangements (JPA) and Joint Financing Arrangements (JFA) for an amount of 15 million Euro to support AUC Political Affairs Department and AUC Pillar V “Institutions, Capacity Building and Communication” with Development Partners in Addis Ababa.

Seven African Union partners: Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, US, UK and EU signed these arrangements in order to enhance coordination among partners supporting the AUC in the areas of governance, election observation, democracy and to build institutional capacity across all areas of the AUC’s work.


The JPA arrangement aims at strengthening policy dialogue with AUC for the implementation of the AUC Strategic Plan 2014-2017 and harmonise partner support in the spirit of the Paris Declaration – Agenda for Accra – Busan, providing support to AUC based on its own priorities and budget, and in accordance with its owns rules and regulations.


Speaking on the occasion on behalf of the Partners group Ambassador Greg Dorey, UKAmbassador to Ethiopia and the AU said “the rationale for these JPAs is a coordinated partner approach that puts the AUC firmly in the driving seat in terms of deciding policy, and implementing it. That advantage comes with its responsibilities: adequate and timely reporting and an in-depth policy dialogue with partners..” One of the JFAs will provide support for an Electoral Assistance Fund for the first time this year.

EU Delegation to the African Union
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