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Ethiopia: AAU launches Forum to reclaim African dignity

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) July 26.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. The Addis Ababa University (AAU) yesterday launched a forum aimed at basing Africans development efforts on Africans Indigenous Knowledge Systems.

AAU is kicking the Forum in partnership with the United Nations University for Peace (UP-EACE), the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Chair of Cultural Diversity based at the International Relations Institute in Cameroon, the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies African Network, Tanzania and Centre for the Study of Peace and Human Rights in Sudan.AAU launches Forum to reclaim African dignity

Launching the Forum, Deputy Premier Demeke Mekonnen said that Ethiopia is always at the forefront in the struggle for the respect of African people’s dignity as exemplified in the support for ‘African solutions for African problems’ which is championed academically by the Institute for Peace and Security Studies of the AAU.

The Deputy Premier also underscored the importance of the Forum referring to two reasons. “First, Africans have so much in common, and second our problems can sustainably be resolved by ourselves.”

According to him, African Dignity will not be limited to one event, it rather be an outcome of group of events of which the launch of the event will remain amongst the most important ones.

UPEACE African Regional Programme Director Dr. Samuel Kale told The Ethiopian Herald that the African Dignity Forum is to provide introspection into the challenges that Africans face in a skewed global environment.

He said: “Africa is not a new continent, it is a cradle of human kind. In consequence, Africans need to demand respect and dignity. We should not to be looked as inferior in the global environment.”

He also unequivocally stated : “Injustices befallen on Africa” of which UN denial of permanent seat for Africa in the Security Council while the fact on the ground shows that 70 per cent of world conflict is roaming in Africa.

He also said that global institutions such as IMF and the World Bank are not working to the demands of African people.

He sharply criticized ICC for gearing its operations towards mostly Africans. “In consequence,” he said, “The Forum will speak louder to smash these injustices and to enlighten the global society.”

The Forum is expected to conclude Thursday after celebrating African champions and hosting a cultural evening.



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