Geeska Afrika Online

Eritreans in Ethiopia seek their leader is tried in ICC

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) June 25.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. By Tesfa-Alem Tekle. Eritreans residing in Ethiopia on Thursday demonstrated in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, demanding the Eritrean President Isaias Afeworki is referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over alleged crimes against humanity.

The rallies were held in the capital, Addis Ababa and in six other refugee camps located near the Eritrean border.

Organizers told Sudan Tribunethat the demonstration is part of the ongoing world-wide anti-regime protests against human rights abuses committed by the regime in Asmara.

“We are all gathered here to express our Support for the new UN commission inquiry’s report released recently which accuses the regime of crimes against humanity since” one of organizers told Sudan Tribune.

In Addis Ababa, Hundreds of Eritrean asylum seekers demonstrate in front of the head quarters of the African Union demanding justice is served to what they sad was over the unfolding human right violations.

The demonstrators chanted slogans against the Eritrean regime, and particularly against the President Isaias among others: “end repression in Eritrea” “Isaias must go” and “Isaias to the ICC.

UN human rights investigators recently accused Eritrean leaders of committing crimes against humanity, including enslavement, rape and torture and called the president and other perpetrators are tried by the international Criminal Court.

Representatives of demonstrators have delivered a letter to the head of the Africa Union commission delegate of human tights

Samson Yemane, one of the demonstrators told Sudan Tribune that he fled to Ethiopia two years ago risking his life crossing the heavily guarded Eritrean border where there is a shoot to kill policy against any one trying to flee.

Teklegabir Fisseha another protester said he was jailed for two years in Eritrea on suspicion of dissent and soon after he was released he decided to take very dangerous journey to Ethiopia through Sudan.

He says many innocent citizens are languishing in prisons for a crime they haven’t committed.

Currently there are estimated 5-10 thousand political prisoners in the reclusive east African nation.

According to Tekegabir many young Eritreans on daily bases are being killed by border guards while trying to flee to neighboring countries to escape political repression in their home country.

Other demonstrators told Sudan Tribune that they staged the demonstrations for the international community to hear their voices over atrocities made by the tyrannical regime back home.

Eritrean refugees are one of the largest groups trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

According to a UN report, during the past two decades 360,000 Eritreans have left their country to exile, also thousands died while trying to cross to Europe in a dangerous sea routes.

In 2015 over 40,000 Eritreans applied for asylum in Europe, according to UN. Eritrea has an estimated 5 million population.



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4 Responses to “Eritreans in Ethiopia seek their leader is tried in ICC”

  1. axmed

    Please drag him out of his rabbit hole and try him anywhere . in the congo or ethiopia or dump him in the Red Sea for the sharks.

  2. Alem

    The Organization of African Union should and must greater roll in transforming our continent from the dark age to a vibrant modern era. By playing a leading roll to allow democracy, justice, freedom, transparency to spread its roots and defending the citizens of the continent from THIVES, TYRANTS,DICTATORS, MURDERERS and RUTHLESS WAR LOARDS like ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his criminal regime.
    Here are ISAYAS AFEWORKIs glorious 25 years of achievement.
    1-Our journalists are in jail without committing any kind of crime and all free media outlets are SHUT DOWN.
    2-Our politicians including G-15 are dying in prison for choosing democracy instead of tyranny and dictatorship.
    3- Every month 4 to 5 thousands of our youngsters are running away from slavery, hopelessness, torture, rape and death by the unelected criminal regime of ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his criminal gangsters.
    4-Heroic leaders like BITEWEDED ABRHA and other heroic Eritrean men and women who secured our independence instead of getting honored and celebrated for their unparalleled contribution for our independence, because they chose freedom and democracy instead of accepting tyranny and dictatorship, they are thrown into prison cells like common criminals by the narcissist ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his criminal regime and paying the ultimate price for our freedom.
    5-Thousands of our youngsters are decaying and dying in the concentration camps of SAWA, slaving their life away in the name of misguided and delusional national service.
    6- Hundreds of residential houses destroyed by the lunatics and mercenaries of the regime.
    7-Our Eritrea is heading towards NOT self reliance but towards self destruction and decay because of misguided and delusional policies of a drug addict despot ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his criminal gangsters.

    And yes definitely ISAYAS AFEWORKI, YEMANE GEBREAB, HAGOS KISH, YEMANE GEBREMESKEL and the rest of the criminals, thieves, rapists, and murderers they need to be handcuffed and caged and tried in the courts of the ICC.

  3. Hanibal

    First of all Eritrea and the people must no suffer any longer than before. They have had enough of it for it seems like eternity and it has to stop now and I mean permanently! I am Ethiopian and I can feel it how is it like to live like there is no choice when there is actually a choice. Time for eritrean Renaissance. May God Be With You!!

  4. axmed

    Alem : You are listing the names of benign runaround criminals . Why don’t you give the names of both male and female ,civilian and military , academics and diplomats who run the biggest killing field in Africa .

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