Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrean Side Event on Women Equality and Empowerment in Eritrea

Press Statement by Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the United Nations. 
A side event was held in Geneva at the Palais des Nations on the occasion of the 31st Session of the Human Rights Council on the role of Eritrean woman in development, gender equality and empowerment.

The background introduction and the presentations of the issue outlined the challenges of nation building and the efforts made to maintain the achievements of the liberation struggle in women equality and empowerment. The event also highlighted the successful development partnership between the Government of Eritrea, the UN country Team in the country and the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW).

A photographic exhibition and a video presentation also depicted chronicled the Eritrean woman and her role in Eritrean society, including the armed struggle.

The participants gave their reflections and comments and the event concluded with the following recommendations:

  • Consolidate further the effort and achievement in women’s emancipation and empowerment
  • Empower the NUEW to expand and consolidate the realization of its mission as an organization representing women
  • Expand partnerships, in particular the ongoing partnership with the UN country team in Eritrea
  • Create a platform to share Eritrea’s experiences and achievements with neighbouring countries and other African countries
  • Mobilize more resources in support of Eritrea
  • Conduct more side events on various side issues to reflect the Eritrean reality and its development achievements and challenges



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