Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrean Nationals Abroad Hold Discussion on National Issues

Asmara (HAN) November 3.2016.Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News.Eritrean nationals residing in Kassala, Republic of Sudan, and in Northern Germany as well as YPFDJ movements in Europe have organized discussion forums on national issues.

According to reports, the Eritrean community members held 2nd Congress. The Charge d’Affairs of the Eritrean Embassy, Mr. Ibrahim Idris, called on the Congress participants to assess the work implemented so far and strengthen participation in national development endeavors through reinforcing organizational vitality.

The representative of the Administrator of Kassala and Mayor of the city, Al Seid Osman Moetesem, explained the historical and people-to people relations between Eritrea and Sudan. He further stated that the naming of one of the big streets of Kassala city, i.e “Asmara Street” attests to that.

The participants of the congress cheated an activity plan to enhance participation in national development programs in general and that of helping families of martyrs in particular.

In another report, training of trainers was conducted to YPFDJ members from 21 to 23 October in Paris, France. The training program conducted for the 7th time aimed at the achievements and challenges of organizations in the Diaspora, effective management, strengthening participation as well as institutional capacity building.

The participants further held discussion as regards enhancing institutional capacity and make sufficient preparation for the 13th YPFDJ Congress due to be  held in 2017 in the Netherlands.

Likewise, PFDJ branch members in northern Germany conducted annual Congress on 22 October in the city of Wuppertal. Mr. Yohannes Woldu. Charge d’Affairs in the Eritrean Embassy, gave briefings focusing on the objective situation in the homeland and consular services.



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