Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrean Islamic Renaissance Democratic opposition

Khartoum (HAN) July 8, 2014. Expert Analysis, Your Power & Regional Influence Magazine, opinion page by: Dr. Abdullah Noor, originally published in Arabic (English Translation by Geeska Afrika Online Group).


United Nations Commission to Eritrea, 1950 (photo). The Commissioner listens to representatives of the Eritrean Muslim League of Mitsiwa argue for Eritrean independence.
Islamic or Democracy is a reflection of the dynamic transformation for the better over the past quarter of a century of failure of the ruling party in Eritrea to achieve any foundation or infrastructure service, administrative or policy of the nascent state, and by his own admission and restless supporters, and be affected by the situation at all levels of intellectual and physical. It was necessary for organizations and opposition parties of the democratic exercise concern for the provision of the most important means to achieve a better alternative to the Eritrean people at home and in exile and shelters. It could have been dragged through the system to convince the Eritrean citizen, to do his best in order to prove the superiority of democracy means any level and in any side. This confirms the reactions carried out by the system during and after the educational activities carried out by the Eritrean opposition and at different levels. It is clear to observant and astute political observer. The intelligent intellectual drag the other party, to use the same your means and Osalepk and language in the work and management of the conflict, which is what it’s like to drag those conflicting to the field you experience it and support, which you can win a high percentage or draw it to a neutral location to win the best and strongest, and then provide and site specific article of the conflict, the defeated party can be taught where his weaknesses and works to strengthen his power centers, and the victorious party to further strengthen and fortify the centers of power in the same field. This is the philosophy of deep democratic thought, because all leading parties and the powerful force then opposition parties critical of the conflict towards the field of operational work to serve humanity in the region.



Ibrahim Sultan Ali, in May 1941, he was a founding member of the Patriotic Association till he helped found the Muslim League of Eritrea on 3/12/1946. The League took Keren as its headquarters till parties were shut down by Ethiopian interference in the late 1950s. Ibrahim Sultan, who was a key figure in the establishment of Blocco Indipendenza (Independence Bloc) on 26 July 1949 was elected the Secretary General of the organization. In January 1951, he partook in the establishment of the Eritrean Democratic Front (EDF) and became its Secretary General. He was a member of the first Eritrean Parliament when he won election on 15/5/1952 representing the Rugbat tribe of which he was the traditional chief from 1948 to 1950.
Conversely, the regime was able to drag the opposition to use the style and select the subject of the conflict and the arena, and that’s what enabled him to stay up to date, which is also what persuades by those regional and international and local communities, that the style of the opposition based does not bode well, and that could threaten stability in the region more than is it with his presence. This will enable him to continue if it does not Traua opposition and renewed thought and style, toward democracy imposed globally in this day and age. I have missed great opportunities to the strong opposition Eritrean could have that precocity achieving democratic transformation procedure of each institution where. Nonetheless, the opportunity to remain favorable for the return of the golden box for the formulation of thought and mind Eritrean towards democracy and make the field and the specific topic of the conflict and to provide the best. Instead of providing young people and students about to massacre combat power to achieve the noble goals and objectives, and which have not so far achieved little fruit, because it is the field of material and the other party which is right where victories for continuous rounds. Must be modulating the thought and effort the youth and students, to take a democratic form its theme during this period, to simmer and clear picture of the future Eritrean through exercise, and study of this issue, and try to corporate sponsors to watch the development of the democratic experiment of their own and the public Bertrella, re-formulation of youth organizations and students of Titles public, on the basis of democratic competition.


The initiative will be calculated for each group to pay the balance of moral and political, in order to Eritrean citizens weary and oppressed. The axis of this idea does not contradict with the state of the system and the law of any State of residence of the Eritreans, the beginning of the Sudan, which favors these methods of democracy and experienced, and Ethiopia’s neighbor modern in this matter and reactive wishing to provide a vision for the future of the development of the Eritrean, as is the actor Alaqlma biggest and international consultant first to convince organizations international in future regional and international levels through the local vocabulary. As Europe and the like parents understand democracy and welcome every attempt to adopt an African ideas and at any level and style. Democracy Schools industry stability and development and progress. I gathered youth Dberzi clear picture of the shortcomings in the practice of democracy Eritrean, despite all of the audience to accept all backgrounds to the field of dialogue and conflict, and acceptance of the early results.


They had patience on the first-born Democratic Youth, and the delay in cash and dialogue about the experience of the conference and then the second, then the third and fourth until maturity and clarity of style and features, and implementation of democratic practice them and all Eritreans. But the background of the young intellectual inherited from the political experience of the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change and its components, said Twartha to the way of thinking and conflict management, and mixing the direct experience of reality and the emergence of unfounded fears in addition to great weakness in the face of the practice of democracy itself. It is normal to experience modern and realistic after a long talk and dream it. However, the continuation of the experiment, conferences and patience on the results and prepare for the next conference after a thorough study of the goals and means, he can achieve more positive results, and experience the best, and what can Hoaidha supports the idea and practice.


The opportunity Ethiopian unsecured repetition several times must be invested and the return of young people with the mentality of a researcher and critic of the self by others. Here reject the principle of withdrawal done by some youth groups and the delay leading to the loss of the same conference. The experience of youth Dberzi and other tests youth was the focus of supporting the international and regional levels for this project and the idea, as part of a wholesale public for the development of the Democratic Action opposition Eritrean, and must be both engaged in these experiments democracy is coming, at all levels and locations, know that the community of regional international provoke any attempt to exercise democratic act in this department regional, critical and high sensitivity. As well as to be dressage procedure for these experiments, so we make the democratic world in his own language to connect our thoughts and achieve our goals, and minimize losses Alnatjhan the continued failure of the Eritrean state list, and so as not to be a double failure of the government and the opposition Eritreans. Surprisingly, through the practice of democracy at the crossroads of the Eritrean democratic debate and after the conference Awassa, that the weakest link in this practice was Artrioa Europe! How and why did Istfedo of life and thought and momentum Democrat who live in it, and thanks Atnamon the pleasures of life and its own passports luxury.

Did not emerge Artrioa Europe and sisters skills supposed to do and work with all democratic institutional classifications Civil and Political Rights and other Almkhbuat necessary for democratic life. The groups coming from neighboring countries, the Eritrean and the Gulf states that have not only on the Tri-democracy screens News, had a thought and best practice and the highest degree of success in the Democratic Party. Is not this something Ajab?! Was it the luxury of living a role in the shallowness of thought and practice of the European democratic process, and the desire for a better life and make thought and effort for it in groups of participants from neighboring countries, Eritrean, done in achieving the exercise Damcrdoah successful for them and bring out the thought of a democratic Advanced, and acceptance of the results and thinking to work for improvement in the next conference. Is this good for the human community and the Eritrean regional refugee that these crowds and poor understanding of the meaning of democracy and living philosophy, which will not be repeated act of Somalia asshole?! Was supposed to these groups Aruban luxury virtues of democracy and free life and thought of the Progressive enlightened to achieve full marks in practice exam and democracy in Awassa previously, though, so I am optimistic that they can be a little revision to communicate with rode democracy that there were signs of upswing between Eritrean grow and sow a better future. The regime in which they live and planning Itbnnouna which, as a result of a sound democratic life in Europe, the sponsor that supports their desires real progress. It can also through them to persuade international institutions and European maturely thought and practice of democracy have Eritrean society, and the removal of his fears.

This is only possible after a mild exercises in practice between all levels and forms of the Eritrean communities and organizations within and outside Europe. They also reduce the demonstrations in Europe to support the Eritrean issue, because the demonstrations in and out is the most hated man’s land and democratic solutions to its proximity to the friction with the devices and then break up the contract pearl of democracy desired. Whatever peaceful demonstrations in Europe, there will be no guarantee for the future Slmatha in Africa. So think of the Europeans and the Democrats. The opportunity for the emerging democratic opposition Eritrean, under the eyes of the microscope regional and international institutions monitored very seriously, and consider the results of the local decisions are made for the major shift in the region and the Eritrean state. The Eritrean opposition realism must be against ignorance, poverty, corruption and democratic institutions within the Eritrean opposition, and not against the system, it is quite a shame and without the attractions of the West, does not need to explain the breakdown or conflict with him.

The realization of democratic institutions is the first opposition now and in the future, to ensure the success and impose the desired transformation in Eritrea. Will not succeed any attempt to color the situation and Tsbagh to practice acts undemocratic previous name of religion or tribe, or will not benefit the actor and the object for the future of Eritrea and Eritreans, Alkabon in prisons and fugitives from hell to inevitable destruction. Valmojta the international and regional levels can remain silent on the loss of Eritreans, against the stability and relative peace in the region, which is what he is doing during the previous period, despite Hall atrocities humanity at home and inhuman practices suffered by the people of Eritrean outside the country of the sale and trade of its members, and invest it as a good win-win thousands of dollars that it could be pumped into the renaissance and the stability of Eritrea and the region.

The liability of the opposition Eritrean much bigger than the Eritrean government’s responsibility in what happens, Fajto critic worst mistake a lot of the comet. Valenaraf where, when and how to oppose, and to keep up with life, there is no place for Mtkhazel in the struggle of democracy, and the good people who mixes with people and stand for the annoyance for Tsahaham and enlightenment. And a good example is much better than a thousand sermons and books. Democracy is not to escape from reality, and try to confront the most luxurious manner. In a session with Arab and Western official in Ethiopia, told me the Arab: We can not guarantee the safety of the region and the non-recurrence of the problem in Somalia after Eritrea Isaias. I told him what is your data, including that produced it. He said lack of democratic failures in your parties and conferences you have set up in Ethiopia. He stressed that the western Ali said, adding that Isaias armed Eritrean people all over the concerns of the regional and international community and he knows their concerns. I asked them about the extent of their personal knowledge Artrion individual suspects, they said it was non-existent and rely on the expertise and information experts, two regions in their readings. I told them if reading is improper and unjustified fears, because you only do you see the fear in your mind and not on the ground. Valaratrion homogeneous mixture is very social. Not including tribal purity. Despite the woes did not Azbbo in local or regional problem so far.

To see Afar gunmen, but they are more disciplined and understanding of the regional and international situation of the region and their interests, as well as most of the armed opposition groups are the most prestigious armed opposition in the world so far. It listed a lot of information that concerns the alleged persuade them to make a mistake, and noted that in their minds!. He said the western short: if you have to be more democratic than the system. If this is required, and so we have to obey them, but not in the public interest for the Eritreans and the region. We light industry and the opportunity of democracy which we will enter them to Independence Square.


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