Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrean delegation in Cairo for two days to enhance bilateral ties

CAIRO (HAN) May 19.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Eritrean Presidential Adviser Yemane Gebreab and his accompanying delegation arrived Wednesday at Cairo International Airport for a two-day visit to discuss bilateral relations, Youm7 reported an official at the airport as saying.

The delegation is scheduled to meet with their Egyptian counterparts to discuss the assistance Egypt provides to the Eritrean people, the official said.

On Feb. 16, Gebreab and Eritrean Foreign Minister Osama Saleh met with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi who said Egypt will continue to support development efforts in Eritrea in a number of sectors. The meeting tackled the counter-terrorism efforts in the Horn of the African Area, according to a statement from the Egyptian Presidency.




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One response to “Eritrean delegation in Cairo for two days to enhance bilateral ties”

  1. Truth

    You need some serious therapy dude completely contaminated by propogandic elements… Such hilarious comment is ready for the dustbin

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