Geeska Afrika Online
Eritrea Workshop

Eritrea: Workshop in connection with World Rabies Day

Asmara, 29 September 2020 – The Ministry of Agriculture, on 28 September, organized a workshop in connection with the World Rabies Day observed under the theme “End Rabies: Collaborate, Vaccinate”.
In an opening speech, the Director-General of Agricultural Extension at the Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Huruy Asgedom stated that the Government of Eritrea is exerting strong effort aimed at ensuring animal health, particularly in controlling diseases that transmit from animals to humans. Mr. Huruy went on to say that concerted measures and control programs will be reinforced to eliminate rabies from the country.

Noting that rabies is viral and attacks the Central Nervous System targeting the brain and the spinal cord, and if untreated is fatal, Dr. Yonas Weldu, director of the animal and seed health branch at the Ministry of Agriculture said that rabies primarily attacks mammals, particularly the carnivorous ones.
Stating that most rabies cases in humans are caused by dog bites and children suffer the most from the deadly disease, Dr. Yonas underlined that enhancing prevention and control efforts by keeping pets up to date on their rabies vaccination is paramount action in the fight against rabies.

Dr. Yonas also called for anyone who has been bitten or scratched by a presumed infected mammal to seek medical attention immediately and bring about the infected animal under the control of concerned authorities.

Finally, participants of the workshop conducted extensive discussion on the subject and adopted various resolutions and recommendations.

World Rabies Day is observed annually on 28th September worldwide.






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