Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Weldab tells "I don't know what happened to the rest of my friends"

Rome (HAN) July 19, 2015 – Real-time national security updates. Eritrea is nursing serious leg wounds after being shot twice by people he says were Eritrean soldiers stationed near the border with Ethiopia.
“Even after I fell down, I could hear the bullets whizzing past me,” Weldab tells me from a clinic bed in Mai-Aini refugee camp in Ethiopia.

“I was lucky that I escaped. There were 10 of us in total; I don’t know what happened to the rest of my friends.”

This was the young man’s second attempt to leave his homeland.

He walked for most of the journey. Many of the refugees I met walked, mostly at night to avoid being detected.
Some told me they paid traffickers between $100 and $700 (£65 and £450) to show them the way.

Others said that relatives in Europe have been known to pay the traffickers directly. They would be taken by car part of the way and then shown the “safest” route by foot.

Although there is no war or famine in Eritrea, it accounts for the second largest number of asylum-seekers arriving in Europe, after Syria. Sources, AFP, HAN and BBC

Photo: BBC, Weldab was shot while trying to cross the border from Eritrea to Ethiopia


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19 Responses to “Eritrea: Weldab tells "I don't know what happened to the rest of my friends"”

  1. asmarino

    Our leader persisting on his brutality of shoot to kill policy. This has been the life of
    Eritreans just targeting innocent teenagers including girls, no body knows when will
    this end …… am ashamed of my nationality.

  2. If a war erupts in eritrea we kunams found in eritrea will fight along with ethiopian defence force against the dicator eritrean regime of eritrea to free our selves and to integrate with ethiopia!
    It is not the interest of kunams found in eritrea to be called eritrean kunama because we are not eritreans but we are ethiopians.Our ancesstor motherland is ethiopia not eritrea!

  3. axmed

    There you go. The Hamasen WAR LORD emptying the country of it’s non Hamasen citizens.Did you know 80% of the refugees are not Hamasen ! ? Did you only 6% are Akaleguzai ! ?. The hamase crook is dismantling non Hamasen families to establish a privileged Hamasen ruling class.Check it out yourself . Who are the military generals , colonels, majores ,heads of security,banks import export departments, major merchants, look around and see who is who ?

  4. axmed

    The trouble is The HAMASEN WARLORD and Akaleguzai are killing our people . I believe , we belong with our Motherland Ethiopia . Regime change will help speed-up the reunification with Ethiopia . We must get help from Ethiopia and the United States to get rid of this ogre and his killing Machine ( THE HAMASE KNIGHTS SQUADE ). We need Ethiopia to free our people from death, destitution isolation ,and destruction . HAMASEN WARLORD MUST GO NOW.

    1. Elias

      You have some personal problem. Are you obsessive with Eritrea, but every body can guess how frustrated you are!!! Read about Eritrea, we destroyed haileslase. Mengistu… hailemariam. From my choice, we do not want war with Ethiopia, because we have been at war for almost 100 years. War is destruction, famine,illness nothing else. We fought again in 1998.finally both countries agreed to go to court and this was a brilliant idea but after the verdict given ETHIOPIA leaders Refuse to hand over the place to Eritrean people. I have never heard Ethiopian people say, we want fight again with Eritrea, but the few puppet want war,ok, if some one want to kill you you have to face him fiercely ,that is the only way.

      But you are useless person, always your comments are shit

      1. Aduja

        Hi you Elias you are brain washed by the fool Higdef butcherIssayas Aforki you never destroyed any army, what makes me lough is that you claimed we destroied Issayas Aforki the one who saved Eritrea when the Ethiopian Military was in Barentu while your master wedi medhin sheyati hage was daincing friday night in Expo Shamrock, what a nonsense person you are we need to learn from our mistake we dont have any capability to protect the nation now the only thing that our nation saved is the policy of Melees and current Ethiopian regime off-site non military policy

  5. Shaim on you weyane no eritrean sell its country but you can dream

  6. Senichio

    Axmed are you normal, do you think that most of our fathers and brothers were struggled to hear this kind of thought ? If you are human you couldn’t talk like this, this is the worst speech I have never ever heard after the genocide propaganda of Rwanda and Burundi.
    We all have to think how to change what’s going on in Eritrea with a pacific way not by the hate speech that you are doing here. Now I understand why the European wrote that the Eritrean Refugees are without educations even after 10 years the integrations will be difficult.
    Stop talking about Kunama, Hamasen & Akeleguzay, talkabout Eritrea If you want to join Ethiopia talk about yourself but not associate all the Eritreans. are you doing a propaganda to prepare a genocide ?

  7. Kerim

    Eritrean kunamas are proud of their country and it doesn’t surprise me to see traitors like you to say nasty words behind the screen. You are a coward !!

  8. Neguse

    What a shame comments comments, we know and understand how many evil minded people are writing under the camouflaged Eritreans. Every Eritrean love his/her country. But we all hate dictatorship completely no matter who is he or what kind of forms it may have.


    Hi you Elias you are brain washed by the fool Higdef butcherIssayas Aforki you never destroyed any army, what makes me lough is that you claimed we destroiedmELES zENAWI, Issayas Aforki the one who saved Eritrea when the Ethiopian Military was in Barentu while your master wedi medhin sheyati hage was daincing friday night in Expo Shamrock, what a nonsense person you are we need to learn from our mistake we dont have any capability to protect the nation now the only thing that our nation saved is the policy of Melees and current Ethiopian regime off-site non military policy – See more at:

  10. we the RED SEA AFARS seek to be from eritrea! we are not eritreans! we seek our freedom! let the kebesas find their solution! we must not suffer with the problems of the kebesa!

  11. freedom for the RED SEA AFARS from eritrea not tomorrow but just now!

  12. axmed

    Elias , Elias : You are a HAMASEN agent .Shame on you ! You are Protecting a ruthless criminal who is making life difficult to any body who is not Hamasen so that they leave the country or die in his prison or killed by HAMASEN killing squads . I agree Haile selase killed people who were opposed to him as did Mengistu ,Zenawi but those killed were Amharas, Oromos Afars , Somalis , Kunamas Walitas and everybody else . But Isaias and his HAMASEN killing squads are the enemy. Be smart ! We know you are his informer .

  13. axmed

    It has been said ” LIFE IS SHORT ” as you know all those heroes who fought for what they thought for freedom for decades ,died of hunger ,destitution , fear fleeing The H A M S E N killing squad .Where are all the heroes ? Ask ask HAMASENYAS . We need freedom from Hamasen WARLORD . Our people are not running from Ethiopia they seeking refuge in Ethiopia ! Ask yourself Why ? Regime change with help of djibouti and Ethiopia and support from the United States..

  14. Alex

    Hey all, this is the time to think about our history. We all belong to Ethiopia, your grand mothers and fathers country. You have a protector we all ethiopians want to see our people in eritrea back home soon. God Help us on this!

  15. axmed

    Alex ; So far the most logical and thoughtful person . We need to go back home to Ethiopia .Eritrea was and should add three to four more Kilils to Ethiopian Federal state. Under Ethiopian Federal system most of our ethnic groups will have their own administrative regions free of Hamasen warlord. Every region will have it’s own people determine their local and regional administrators .

  16. Alex

    This all can be done within 5 years. Here we are many to welcome our people, but we need many of you to think about it starting from now. We always respect our eritrean people and want to see them back home to their life long brothers and sisters in Ethiopia.

  17. axmed

    Regime change will usher in unity with our motherland Ethiopia.The end of Isaias means the end of Hamasen monopoly over all the non – Hamasen groups. Federation with Ethiopia means all the Eritrean ethnic regions will manage their own regions : Kunamas will be masters of their own destiny ,so will Afars , Rashaida , Tigre , Tigrinya etc. Today The Hamasen are the governors, mayors ,police chiefs, directors of banks .heads of universities , military commanders etc.Whose country is it anyway .? Is it Isaias’s Property and the people his slaves ? This criminal should go. We need help from Ethiopia ,Djibouti and the USA. to get rid of him.

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