Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: US-Africa Leaders Summit, Eritrean community agree on one thing

Washington (HAN) August 7, 2014 – Regional strategic & Diplomatic partnership News: Eritrea’s Isaias Afwerki, was not invited US-Africa leaders summit, and that snub has become big topic among Washington’s Eritrean-American community. “It was abnormal that Africa accepts to go to this meeting while one of its very important members (Eritrea and Sudan)  was not invited”, Sudan’s Foreign Minister Ali Karti said in comments published in Sudan and Geeska Afrika Online on Sunday.

“My president is not invited and I am not happy about it,” one Washington cab driver said. “The policy of American government when it comes to Eritrea is totally wrong.”

US-Africa Leaders Summit, Eritrean community agree on one thing ‘president Isyas Afwerki is missing nothing-out’. President Obama took a swipe at China in a speech to a summit of African leaders in Washington on Tuesday, claiming that the US is interested in the continent for more than just its minerals and oil.

“We don’t look to Africa simply for its natural resources. We recognise Africa for its greatest resource which is its people and its talents and its potential,” he told the largest gathering of African leaders ever held in Washington. “We don’t simply want to extract minerals from the ground for our growth. We want to build partnerships that create jobs and opportunity for all our peoples, that unleash the next era of African growth,”

President Obama did not directly  mention China by name, but the comments were clearly aimed at China as Obama administration uses the summit to promote the US as a better partner with Africa,  in its efforts to catch up with the rapidly expanding Sino-Africa trade that promotes Eritrean and Sudan leadership.

Eritrean Foreign minister, Osman Slaeh said, Obama administration ignored Eritrean diplomatic contacts and regional security concerns.

“We can’t lose sight of the extraordinary promise of Africa,” Obama wrote in an opinion piece that McClatchy published Tuesday. “And just as Africa is changing, we need to change the way we think about the continent, put aside old stereotypes and respond to Africans’ desire for a partnership of equals where Africans take the lead in their own development.” But, Eritrean Foreign minister, Osman Slaeh said, Obama administration ignored  Eritrean diplomatic contacts and regional security concerns.

Eritrea’s Isaias Afwerk has been dubbed Africa’s “North Korea.” Afewerki’s regime stands accused of committing gross human rights abuses including forced lifetime conscription, detainment without due process, and providing funding and support to the Somali militants of  Al-Shabaab. The Eritrean regime is also under UN sanctions. The United States and Eritrea have very limited diplomatic ties, with no aid and very little trade between them.  And though both maintain embassies, neither has an ambassador serving in their respective countries.

Because of those false accusations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia and Eritrea should look for specific strategic ways of working together in trade and the economy; Russia’s main focus on return was to develop and secure favorable trade and economic conditions for Russian businesses that already shows growing interest on the implementation of a number of investment projects in Eritrea specially on Eritrea’s burgeoning mining and natural resource projects. Eritrean Foreign minister, Osman Slaeh called it “a good opportunity to develop strategic partnership”.

My Eritrean president is missing nothing,” the Eritrean cab driver says. “A group of people will lecture each other and they will go. All they will do is eat special food and go back.” A fancy dinner, he says, isn’t going to bring change back home.

Listen the Voices of Eritrea-American Community Leaders in USA

The Eritrean cabbie didn’t want to give his name, but he describes himself as an Eritrean nationalist. He takes umbrage with the fact that his country was left out of these historic meetings: “They sanction us, they don’t invite us. There are more worse leaders who are invited here.”

Eritreans find like minds at the Expo Restaurant and Nightclub in Washington said that may not be true: Eritrea has sometimes been called the North Korea of Africa. The government of Afwerki, who’s held power since Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993, has been accused of major human rights abuses, including forced labor and detainment without due process.

“He shouldn’t be invited anyway because he’s one of the bad leaders,” says Tadasse Alma, an Eritrean American who has lived in the US for nearly 40 years. He’s at the Expo Restaurant and Nightclub in the heart of Washington’s “little Ethiopia” neighborhood. It’s become a place where expat Eritreans who oppose the Afwerki government can find community.


Eritreans find like minds at the Eritrean Cultural and Civic Center in Washington’s Mt. Vernon Square neighborhood:

“There is no parliament. There’s one president who has been running the country for how long? 23 years?” Alma complains. “He can do anything that he wants. That’s not a country where people want to live.”

That wouldn’t be a popular opinion at the Eritrean Cultural and Civic Center, where Eritrean state television plays on a big screen. Flags of the president’s ruling party hang from the ceiling.

Zecarias Berhe is a former organizer for that party, but he’s not offended that Afewerki’s invitation to the summit never arrived. “The reason why they didn’t invite us, we are not ‘Yes, sir,’” Berhe says. “We don’t believe in, ‘Yes sir.’ We believe in self-reliance. We don’t believe in loans and all that. So all African nations, they are dependent. They are parasites.”

Unsurprisingly, Berhe thinks the summit is a joke. “People are dying in Nigeria, but Nigerian president is invited here,” he says. “He’s corrupted. All of them are corrupted. In Ethiopia, there’s wars. They’re fighting each other and killing each other. But they’re invited here. So what is the use of inviting these idiots when they’re not doing anything for their own people?”

As diverse as their opinions might be, all three Eritrean men agree on one thing about the summit: Nothing is going to get done.

My president is missing nothing,” the cab driver says. “A group of people will lecture each other and they will go. All they will do is eat special food and go back.” A fancy dinner, he says, isn’t going to bring change back home.


Africa Summit. President of Djibouti Guelleh, Kenya, Ethiopia Uganda and Kerry
Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and spouse Qamar Ali Omar arrive at the North Portico of the White House for a State Dinner on the occasion of the U.S. Africa

Sources: Reporter, Lauren Obera, PRI and Jamal Sh, Geeska Afrika Online, Washignton, USA


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10 Responses to “Eritrea: US-Africa Leaders Summit, Eritrean community agree on one thing”

  1. Alem

    Our brain dead (drug addict) unelected dictator ISAYAS AFEWORKI and his criminal bodies were NOT invited to the USA forum for a very simple reason. President Obama invited African leaders who recognize their people as the greatest resource and greatest potential of their countries.

    “We don’t look to Africa simply for its natural resources. We recognise Africa for its greatest resource which is its people and its talents and its potential,”

    It was obvious and I admit some of the so called African leaders got very shady record with gross human right violations, and the USA government realizes that too, but the USA government made sure that, NOT to invite criminals with EXTREME human right violations like the narcissist we got in Eritrea.
    USA and the rest of the world did NOT reject Eritrea and its people but instead rejected the unelected dictator and its criminal enterprise. The world is waiting with open arms to embrace Eritrea and its democratically elected Eritrean representative government.
    Regardless of the outcome of the forum I hope this will wake up the so called supporters of the tyrant how extremely bad the dictator is, to be singled out from all this most undemocratic leaders.
    The dictator is throwing a tantrum like a 2 years old kid and calling and sending his criminal delegates with a simple message “please invite me” to his ever shrinking circle of tyranny.

    1-North Korea (he does not thrust the phone, that was his murdered uncles job )
    2-Zimbabwe (Mugabe do not have the money to pay the bills, so his phone is disconnected)
    3-Libya ( sorry he is dead)
    4-Venzuela (he got his own mess, seems his days are limited so no time to return your call)
    5-Cuba (sorry everything is on hold till Castro is dead)
    6-Russia (We don’t like you or care about you but yes we will invite you to piss off USA and EU.
    7-Burma( The old Generals their number is not listed no known address)

    On the other hand rest assured we Eritreans will make sure that you will be invited to the tribunal for your unparalleled tyranny against our beloved Eritrean people.

    Related BBC news
    “Two top Khmer Rouge leaders have been jailed for life after being convicted by Cambodia’s UN-backed tribunal of crimes against humanity.

    Nuon Chea, 88, served as leader Pol Pot’s deputy and Khieu Samphan, 83, was the Maoist regime’s head of state.

    They are the first top-level leaders to be held accountable for its crimes.

    Up to two million people are thought to have died under the 1975-79 Khmer Rouge regime – of starvation and overwork or executed as enemies of the state.
    The regime sought to create an agrarian society: cities were emptied and their residents forced to work on rural co-operatives. Many were worked to death while others starved as the economy imploded.

    During four violent years, the Khmer Rouge also killed all those it perceived as enemies – intellectuals, minorities, former officials – and their families”

    1. Jumbo

      Alem, you are not Eritrean, you are aid-addicted leech and scum of the Earth

      1. anseba

        Jumbo, Where is your brother and mother. if you tell us where they are we will know who you are? dick head.

  2. To be honest the so called african -us leadership summite is nothing but a culprite sham to obama. Weather eritrea is invited or not we loss nothing but a wast of 6 working days for all african long as america is not avoiding sneching educate african individuals to fill thier gap vaccunt for their internal interest and exploiting african human resources there will be no signe of development as a result of a great manifesto in a paper. Look what signe rule of low did we see in iraqe,libya,afgan,somalia egypt and palestine when the us dismantle their leaders of the above countries in the name of american fashioned democracy.? Can any one tell me iraqe,libya and somalia now is better than before when they were ruled by their former leaders? Mind it. Americas desire is to see unstable africa so that to loot african resourses with out any objection. I choose a stable poor eritrea ruled by its dictator isayas than messed by the evile minded us .

    1. Alem

      Don’t get confused my friend stability and tyranny or dictatorship and stability do not go hand in hand never been and never will. stability is a major treat to a tyrant, it is a known fact dictators to consolidate their power always they fabricate lies after lies as if the country is in the verge of disaster and portray them selves as the sole savers of the country.

      I couldn’t believe to read this on your comment “I choose a stable poor Eritrea ruled by its dictator Isayas than messed by the evile minded us” I wonder is it because non of your blood relatives are jailed by the tyrant ISAYAS yet?…….. or is it all your family members are immune from the slavery (AGELGLOT) imposed by the dictator? Give it a little bit time and it will knock your door too.

      Long time ago one wise man wrote the following.

      ”First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Socialist.

      Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

      Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
      Because I was not a Jew.

      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Author unknown.

      Isayas is a ruthless dictator if he couldn’t hesitate to imprison and kill his brothers in bunkers (TEGADELTI) he will not hesitate to kill anyone.

      Don’t get scared of change, if it is not for us we can make it better for our next generation.
      One day freedom is better than years of intimidation, tyranny, slavery and life under dictatorship. Our people deserve better, our brothers and sisters didn’t give their life and limbs so we live under tyranny.

  3. Lucien

    Grapes are sour! Clearly, no one can read the comment of the dictator’s supporters in Washington DC and conclude that they do not believe the summit is as inconsequential as they made it sound to be. Clearly, they are disappointed that their hero, a tyrant, has been recognized as someone whose presence among leaders of the continent was deemed unacceptable. All the dim-witted rationalization his sheeple have been blabbering about misses the point. The world has judged Isaias Afewerqi as a tyrant who has no sensibility of the times. He is no good to anyone. Someday soon, the world will shout Good Riddance! No one is going to miss his absence.

  4. Lucien

    Grapes are sour! Clearly, no one can read the comment of the dictator’s supporters in Washington DC and conclude that they believe the summit is as inconsequential as they made it sound to be. Clearly, they are disappointed that their hero, a tyrant, has been recognized as someone whose presence among leaders of the continent was deemed unacceptable. All the dim-witted rationalization his sheeple have been blabbering about misses the point. The world has judged Isaias Afewerqi as a tyrant who has no sensibility of the times. He is no good to anyone. Someday soon, the world will shout Good Riddance! No one is going to miss his absence.

  5. axmed

    What is ERITREA ? This real state run by the NEW Enver Xoja, is not a state or a country but the second biggest prison in the world. Ethiopia’s biggest mistake was to hand over the power to this prescription drug addict,who must be in treated of his schizo-affective condition. He is a violent ,quick tempered megalomaniac . It is in the best interest of the people of the Horn african countries Eritrea be handed back to Ethiopia. A recent poll conducted by the independent pollster IOP, 90% of Djiboutians , 98% of Yemenis ,96% ethiopians , 95% of Somalis prefer this entity never existed.

    1. Alem

      Axmed do not get confused, it is a fact our country is going through difficult time right now and yes most of us Eritreans, are upset and disgusted by the way our unelected tyrant is ruining our country but one thing is for sure, besides being a stable and peaceful good neighbor, we Eritreans do not have the slightest interest of being part of Italy, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya Yemen or Ethiopia. Do not forget it was our relentless pressure and huge sacrifice which brings the end of the criminal Mengstu Hailemariams regime to its demise and we hand you over your country so you do something good with it not the other way around.
      We organized and united the fragmented and unorganized Ethiopian fighters and we led them with our tanks and armors all the way to Addis.
      Your recent poll of the IOP is very funny and you should include the following
      1-98% of Russians believed Ukraine should be annexed by Russia
      2-98% of Chinese believe Taiwan should be annexed by China
      3- 98% of draught stricken countries believe there should be rain.
      4-98% hungry people believe there shouldn’t be hunger in the world.

      No disrespect but we want to be just good neighbors and that is all. (I know you will be fine without us)

  6. mulu

    ‘Americas desire is to see unstable africa so that to loot african resourses with out any objection.’ wrote a commentator above.

    please note Americas business with the entire Africa is less than one Brazil. Africa has not yet been finacially intersting to America as of this day. Now Time have changed. America is shows huge interest to do fair business with African countries that are set to develop.

    Sad Eritrea is not among them…

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