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Eritrea: UNSC, ” Asmara Should Change Course or Face the Consequence”

Asmara (HAN) March 28. 2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News.OPINION By Hailu Dagne. UNSC, Asmara regime was asked to do was to cease activities that destabilize the region. The Eritrean regime continued, in fact extended, in recent years. The destabilizing supports were offered to new groups such as Ginbot 7 in late 2014. Eritrea’s destabilizing engagement encompassed its diplomatic missions and military officers in the recruitment and training as well as operational aspects of Ginbot 7 rebel group, as the monitoring group revealed last years

The Embassy of Eritrea in Pretoria, South Africa, facilitated the recruitment a Ginbot 7 operative by issuing a laissez-passer in 2012 which was used to travel from Johannesburg-Cairo-Asmara to receive trainings of “guerilla” warfare tactics, firearms, hand guns, automatic weapons, explosives and anti-tank weapons”. Moreover, the report revealed that Eritrean army personnel were involved in escorting a Ginbot 7 recruit from Sudan soil to a training centre in Harena, eastern Eritrea.

It has been a while since the Asmara regime has attained international notoriety for its role as regional spoiler and a rouge regime. The peak was in 2009 when the Security Council found Eritrea’s role in undermining the peace and security of Eastern Africa in general, of Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Sudan and Djibouti in particular providing a range support to armed groups including weapons, training, office, etc. besides to direct military provocations on their borders.

Through Resolution 1907/2009, the Security Council imposed sanctions on Eritrea, notably: “all Member States shall immediately take the necessary measures to prevent the sale or supply to Eritrea by their nationals or from their territories or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and technical assistance, training, financial and other assistance, related to the military activities or to the provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of these items, whether or not originating in their territories”

The resolution and the subsequent resolution 2060/2012 and resolution 2182/2014 did not ask much from Eritrea. All the Asmara regime was asked to do was to cease activities that destabilize the region. In general, Eritrea had to stop harbouring, financing, facilitating, supporting, organizing, training, or inciting individuals or groups to perpetrate acts of violence or terrorist acts against other States or their citizens in the region.

However, the regime has never relented its illegal and irresponsible activities and persisted in its notorious behaviour. These were demonstrated in the investigations conducted b the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea established to monitor Eritrea’s compliance with the resolutions. As the Monitoring Group repeatedly demonstrated, Eritrea continued its irresponsible activities.

In 2011, the UN Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea revealed that Eritrea plotted to attack an African Union summit in Ethiopia. The terror plot was to “make Addis Ababa like Baghdad”. According to the report, Eritrean intelligence services planned an operation to detonate a car bomb at the African Union headquarters where 30 leaders attended. Moreover, the plan included bombing placed between Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s office and Sheraton Hotel, where most of the African leaders were staying. The report said the plan included bombing Merkato, which is said to be the largest open-air market in Africa, in the hope of ‘killing many people’.


The report underlined that


“If executed as planned, the operation would almost certainly have caused mass civilian casualties, damaged the Ethiopian economy, and disrupted the African Union summit.


“Whereas Eritrean support to foreign armed opposition groups has in the past been limited to conventional military operations, the plot to disrupt the African Union summit in Addis Ababa in January 2011, which envisaged mass casualty attacks against civilian targets and the strategic use of explosives to create a climate of fear, represents a qualitative shift in Eritrean tactics”.


“The fact that the same Eritrean officers responsible for the planning and direction of this operation are also involved, both in supervisory and operational roles, in external operations in Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia and Sudan implies an enhanced level of threat to the region as a whole.


“Although ostensibly an OLF operation, it was conceived, planned, supported and directed by the external operations directorate of the government of Eritrea, under the leadership of General Te’ame [who is Eritrea’s external intelligence operations chief in the Horn.]”


Similarly, a subsequent report exposed Eritrea’s engagement in destabilizing activities in the Horn of Africa. In particular, the presence of ‘credible information ‘on Eritrea’s support to: Ogaden National Liberation Front(ONLF), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), Afar Liberation Front (ALF), Afar Revolutionary People’s Democratic Front, (aka, Ugugumo), Sidamo Liberation Front, Tigrayan People’s Democratic Movement, and ‘Unidentified fighters from the Amhara and Gambella states of Ethiopia’.


The report further proved the link between Eritrea and the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), which was dismantled by Ethiopian intervention to Somalia in 2006.


Nonetheless, the Eritrean regime continued, in fact extended, in recent years. The destabilizing supports were offered to new groups such as Ginbot 7 in late 2014. Eritrea’s destabilizing engagement encompassed its diplomatic missions and military officers in the recruitment and training as well as operational aspects of Ginbot 7 rebel group, as the monitoring group revealed last years.




Indeed, the Embassy of Eritrea in Pretoria, South Africa, facilitated the recruitment a Ginbot 7 operative by issuing a laissez-passer in 2012 which was used to travel from Johannesburg-Cairo-Asmara to receive trainings of “guerilla” warfare tactics, firearms, hand guns, automatic weapons, explosives and anti-tank weapons”. Moreover, the report revealed that Eritrean army personnel were involved in escorting a Ginbot 7 recruit from Sudan soil to a training centre in Harena, eastern Eritrea.


In light of these, it is no surprise Eritrean hands were involved in exacerbating the violence and chaos that occurred in Ethiopia recently. Even though the protests in Oromia had legitimate demands, Eritrea backed terrorist groups attempted to hijack by engaging their sleeper cells, providing arms and turning demonstrations violent.


As the trends of the past years show, Eritrea has the propensity and the means to engage in such acts of destabilization. If that were not the case, there is no reason it would keep on supporting armed opposition groups that aimed to destabilize the region, “including harbouring, financing, facilitating, supporting, organizing, training or inciting individuals or groups to perpetrate acts of violence in the region”, in direct contradiction of the Security Council resolutions.


This is Eritrea’s track-record that cannot be whitewashed by issuing just one statement of denial. Eritrea should change course or face the consequence of her actions.




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25 Responses to “Eritrea: UNSC, ” Asmara Should Change Course or Face the Consequence””

  1. HandsOffEritrea


    1. Asmara Eritrea

      Ethiopia should stop talking and take action.

      The solution is simple; March to Asmara as you did to Barantu in 2001 (the only difference this time is that Eritrea has zero fighting army) capture the dictator and bring him to the ICC. If found guilt, which I am certain he will be, lock him up in one if his shipping containers and throw away the key to the bottom of the Red Sea. That would be true justice his tens of thousands victims never received.

  2. The writer is just simple blind with full of heat rage to wards Eritrea and stooge of Ethiopian centro ethnic cadre.
    Can I ask you who is disestabliser in the horn of Africa? is Eritrea or this centro ethnic regime?Let me leave the history crime committed by the Ethiopian leaders to Eritrean people.start from minelik to Hailemariam desalen, five of them may killed millions of innocent Eritreans to get the land of Eritrea back

    Now those Thugs TPLF who were trained and funded by Eritrean people to start revolution for future better relation for the coming .But now they made U turn to burn Eritrea,in 1993 meles said to Eritrean people in front the whole world,dear Eritreans I know you are badly sore by Ethiopian leaders for centuries,but never scratch now,for give us,we will compensate you with brotherly relation,but those criminals Ethiopian leaders never took them time to claim war against Eritrean people in 1998.

    But We agreed to go to the court and boarder case finished,those who wanted Eritrea land Ethiopian leaders refuse to evacuate again as their fathers.We Eritreans demonstrated in UN to force the regim of Ethiopia to leave eritrea land but they choose silent as they did in 40 years when we were mas cred in day light,in the contrary UN supported sanction on Eritrea based on false and crime allegation.

    The writer said this”the plot to disrupt the African Union summit in Addis Ababa in January 2011, which envisaged mass casualty attacks against civilian targets and the strategic use of explosives to create a climate of fear, represents a qualitative shift in Eritrean tactics”.Did you read wiki leaks from Adis Abeba,USA ambasader’this is the drama of the Ethiopian cadre,we know the truth but we support it against Eritrea people.I do’t think so the writer read it sham on him.Ethiopia centro ethnic government managed to put sanction on Eritrean people with the support of USA,because Eritrea supported SHEBAB,the writer is simply living on his own dark room,otherwise the monitoring group found no evidence,but they never said sorry to the Ertrean people,because they know it was false from the beginning,it was designed to turn Eritrea another Iraq,Eritrean people vowed to die than to wait and mas cred in street by the centro ethnic minority as they did their fathers.We knew UN is nothing but facilitator of destruction.

    The minority in Ethiopia is scaring and circled by the great Ethiopian people,as the regime masc red them in day light, the regime is desperate to find a escape goat for survival.So the distabliser in the horn is simply this beggar,parasite and puppet of CIA.They are frustrated by the raise of Ethiopian people,let them try,we Erirean people,we will never fold our hand and wait them to burn us with cluster bomb,where ever we are.
    To live peacefully,this danger ethnic minority regime,should respect the Eritrean sovereignty and integrity,they are attacking eritrean position every night and call Eritrean distabliser,it crime time we know this.

  3. Eritrean

    TPLF minority regime in power are occupying Eritrean land, refused to accept the final and binding border agreement with Eritrean and killing their people (Ethiopian people). For the regime in power, Ethiopian people are not their people, rather they consider Tigray (North Ethiopia region) as their country and that is the reason they are killing the people and disintegrating the country. This being the fact, the author want to externalize the regime’s problem and ill goal. Better to feed your 40 Million starved people dying in your hands.

  4. Horn of Africa

    You must be high on chat if you believe Eritrea which UN found NO EVIDENCE of supporting Somalia Al-Shabab that it will take the necessary measures to prevent the sale or supply to Eritrea by their nationals or from their territories or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and technical assistance, training, financial and other assistance, related to the military activities or to the provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of these items, whether or not originating in their territories. Haha

    That was funny, seriously too funny.

    Eritrea can equip 3 armies if it wanted to. Matter of fact, before the sanction was even illegally imposed, we had an over supply of arms supplies in the country we wanted to get rid off.

    Meanwhile in Ethiopia, the government is ill-equipped to feed 20 MILLION, Oromo uprisings, Amhara and other ethics groups are all circling the ruling party as we speak. Just google it on youtube you will see for yourself. Soon, Asmara will be consulted for transitional government in Addis to ensure peace in the region so that we don’t have to read garbage articles like this in the near future.

    Have a nice day!

    1. Yo

      The crime committed by Isaias regime and his cronies at PFDJ and the army is far enormous and worse than any crime committed by single Ethiopian leader before independence. Esayas crimes raises to the level of crime against humanity, not my words, according to the U.N Human Right Commission. The one Ethiopian regime believed to have committed crimes against Eritrean people was Derg.Compared to Esayas, Mengistu was an angel. At lease he separated combatants from civilians to some extent. As a foreign leader, it is to be expected.

      But the megalomaniac Esaya has no regards even for his close friends, let alone for Eritrean people. His only concern is to stay in power, at all costs.

      Supporting Isaias regime and PFDJ at this time tantamount to supporting the crimes done against Eritrean people. Eritrean should support Eritrean people not any government which commits crime against Eritrean people. Those who support this government are collaborators of crime against humanity.

  5. Haben

    When an Animal is cornered, it can be dangerous. The TPLF junta is cornered from all sides and it is natural for them to make such nonsensical noises. The writer knows that the time is up for TPLF to pay for its crimes against the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea. More and more people are becoming aware of the real issue and will not be confused by such gibberish accusations.

  6. Samuel

    LoL ! very funny . This is a crystal lie. Eritrea or the so called EPLF had no intentions nor do the capacity to do all this issues. The failed policy of the minority gangsters of TPLF is bearing its fruit, The minority regime had played a destructive role in the region , as annexing Eritrean lands, aggression on Somali lands, aggression on Kenyan lands ….etc. Above all declaring war on its people! The TPLF will only survive on chaotic situations , so the regime had never dreamed peaceful coexistence. Now because of its dived and rule policy , the fire is nearly to engulf itself where ,its days are numbered .

  7. Duri Mohammed

    Please hands off Eritrea. TPLF thugs are using Eritrea as a escape goat to cover what is happening in Oromia. Since the TPLF regime is on the brink of collapse, such irresponsible accusations against Eritrea is expected.

  8. Ali

    What do you expect from an Agame called “Hailu Dagne”.

    Yes, if there is a need Eritrea should support all the rebel groups fighting for independence in Ethiopia since the Ethiopian regime is doing the same. yes, the Eritrean government is good at it that you are crying.

    Viva Eritrea, the end of the Weyane Junta is coming to an end very soon. You can make a lot of noise about Eritrea but the fall of Agame Junta is inevitable. The Ethiopians are united this time!


  9. axmed

    HAMASEN criminal cartel is instrumental in destabilizing Somalia by training terrorist group (ALSHABAAB ) by selling weapons in exchange for CHAT and food to OROMIA terrorists , to opposition groups in DJIBOUTI , to HOUTHIS in Yemen . Moreover , Afewerki is chasing the non Hamasen boys and girls as as 12 years out of the country to collect welfare from throughout the world engage in prostitution in western counties or the middle east to pay taxes for their parents for food and shelter .

  10. Jumbo

    This poorly written article sounds like it was written by a TPLF stooge in Addis. The fact of the matter is the TPLF regime is committing crimes against humanity against Ethiopians thru murder and torture. They want to use Eritrea as a scapegoat to shield their crimes. Also, they have violated international law by illegally occupying the town of Badme. It is clear this ethnic-based regime is on its deathbed, totally morally bankrupt and needs to go, for peace to prevail in the Horn.

  11. axmed

    Jumbo you got no soul .write about our people who are beggars and prostitutes in European streets ,dishwashers ,taxi drivers , home health care crap wipers inWashington DC. and elsewhere in America ,street sweepers in Israel , maids to corrupt Saudis and useless bastard Lebanese . These are my brothers and sisters I worry about . do not get sucked into Afewerki’s narrative line . Try to see the light .

  12. bb

    Never been trained to do good for humanity sake this regime in power has done very astaunding brutality over its own people…. everytime we wake up we hear a new bad story for instance our houses demolished, our money confsicated,everyone of us forced to stay in the military for decade, arbitrary detention is so common,,,,,,,,,.so how could one expect to hear a condusive and bilaterally or multilaterally healthy relations with its neighbours. We the people of eritrea r spending a painful life under this cold blooded group of isaias. When r we going to get our liberation???? The EU playing a game with the facist. International community forgot all abt us……….. May God give us his grace of mercy on our land.

  13. bb

    How could one expect good things out of this brutal regime……irrespossible of its acts. May God give mercy to the people of eritrea and live peacefully with our neighbours…….we r suffeeing the worst dictatorship here.

  14. I am Eritrean and fully support Ethiopia to defend its self from the mad dog dictator

    1. are you an Eritrean Tesfaldet? I can believe you,many frustrated Eritrean origin are trained to be the modern mercenaries,when you follow Libya style,you wont surprise how those those few Libyans living abroad collaborated with Nato to change Libya in to ashes.Those few greedy they managed Libya to be terrorist Country.

      I remember our wodegeba like meharena and Donbay and many others, killed Eritreans like animals sided with Ethiopian leaders,now you are supporting the centro ethnic regime who has no mercy on Oromia and other ethnic.

      1. efrem

        you are right. but why don’t you go to Eritrea and live there. I mean we need like you to defend this country ( you r like hero ) but not by replaying to this article, we need you to the front , and it will be reasonable to talk. why are you scared of your home, don’t just visit and come to live here. let other people ( like tesfaldet live where you are ). cheers

  15. axmed

    Our boys and girls ,mothers and fathers , men and women are not running away because of Ethiopia, but from the tyranny and killing fields of our beloved Eritrea that has been made into hell on earth for us by the thugs of Hamasen in Asmara and everywhere we go .

  16. David Z

    It appears that opposition groups (the alliance of Ginbot 7, OLF, TPDP, etc…, and those in/outside the country) are now discussing post EPRDF/TPLF Ethiopia. The groups are already receiving recognitions from a number of western countries as viable alternative to the current regime. European countries are now worried Ethiopia might become another Syria as a result of the atrocities taking place in the country.

  17. efrem

    2030 dictionary
    Ethiopian – proud man , who has got more than 2 thousand year history, never colonized, democratic , religious, ( the only person who has the right to vote in east Africa ) , biggest hydraulic dam, GDP of 11%, ….. etc
    Eritrea – hatred , always talks about enemy ( us, Ethiopia, yemen, ussr, sudan, uk …), less than 100 year history, refugee, kidney, Sinai, Libya, dictator, war, sanction, prison, slavery, national service, sawa, 50,000 ( asked to pay for family member in Eritrea )………….
    solution – as Eritrean , those who are saying, Eritrea is doing good. I would say be example go to Eritrea live there and talk. I left Eritrea 2 years ago, so, if you don’t like democracy go live in dictatorship, or keep your mouth shut.

  18. Amanuel

    What is surprising in the comments of some deluded psychopaths is that they still think Ethiopia has actually started the war of 1998. They still believe Eritrean regime can really stand a military confrontation and the Eritrean people want the bloody Isayas. You should know this all of you Pro PFDJ no one except some sex tourists, hedonist, paedophile who can see nothing but the trapped poor young girls in the streets of Asmara stands with you. No matter how, no matter who but Wedi Medhin berad and his accomplice will be gone.

  19. sami

    When will Ethiopian governments learn to live peacefully with Eritrea? unfortunately, again and again Ethiopian governments will try to secure their power by in-securing the country, declare war with Eritrea is one pure tactic. The current TPLF Ethiopian government can’t go forward because it is following biblicaly the diary of Meles zenawi programme. SAD! until the leaders are brave enough to design their own programme for the interest of their people and the whole region, problem will continue. The west will never give the right help they happy with crises management. The question is now, how can the current starvation of 18 million innocent Ethiopians, the mass killing of Oromo students, the huge corruption and squandering of billions money..etc, Will weyane able to associate it with Eritrea and deceive people. For sure the west will help the way because it is not fundamental solution. Blaming Eritrea is not a solution.

  20. Bereket

    Poorly written article. Geeska should make it even more clear that this a flawed OPINION piece by Eritrea’s enemies.

    You should lobby Ethiopia Dictatorship to exit Eritrean land and abide by international law instead of making up news.

  21. axmed

    Bereket you got no cojones !!!! . Did Isayas plant a nano listening device in your pocket or implanted tracking device chip in your body ? This article is about Eritrea and the hell hole it has been by a gang of HAMASEN millionaire generals /security agents and profiteers . wake up and see the daily atrocities and indignities our people experience at the hands spies at every street corner and snitches at every office and gathering places even in Europe and North America ..

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